美國癌癥研究院統(tǒng)計顯示:2011年,,美國有100,000對例新增結腸癌病例,,40,000多例新增直腸癌病例,有49,000名結腸/直腸癌患者死亡,。來自美國Memorial Sloan-Kettering癌癥中心的研究人員早些時候完成的一項研究證實在進行結腸鏡檢查的時候,切除癌前期息肉能起到預防結腸癌發(fā)展的作用,。2月23日,,N Engl J Med上刊出的一篇研究論文指出:在結腸鏡檢查時切除癌前期息肉能使患者因結腸癌死亡的風險減半。該研究也是由美國Memorial Sloan-Kettering癌癥中心領導,,研究人員包括內視鏡專家,、病理學家、放射學家和流行病學家等,。
該項研究的主要領導者Memorial Sloan-Kettering癌癥中心的生物統(tǒng)計學家--Ann G. Zauber博士稱:這項研究證實了我們能從切除結腸部位腺瘤性息肉手術中長期受益,,我們完全可以利用結腸鏡檢查手術篩查50歲以上的群體是否罹患結腸癌。
Colonoscopic Polypectomy and Long-Term Prevention of Colorectal-Cancer Deaths
Ann G. Zauber, Ph.D., Sidney J. Winawer, M.D., Michael J. O'Brien, M.D., M.P.H., Iris Lansdorp-Vogelaar, Ph.D., Marjolein van Ballegooijen, M.D., Ph.D.,et al.
In the National Polyp Study (NPS), colorectal cancer was prevented by colonoscopic removal of adenomatous polyps. We evaluated the long-term effect of colonoscopic polypectomy in a study on mortality from colorectal cancer.
We included in this analysis all patients prospectively referred for initial colonoscopy (between 1980 and 1990) at NPS clinical centers who had polyps (adenomas and nonadenomas). The National Death Index was used to identify deaths and to determine the cause of death; follow-up time was as long as 23 years. Mortality from colorectal cancer among patients with adenomas removed was compared with the expected incidence-based mortality from colorectal cancer in the general population, as estimated from the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program, and with the observed mortality from colorectal cancer among patients with nonadenomatous polyps (internal control group).
Among 2602 patients who had adenomas removed during participation in the study, after a median of 15.8 years, 1246 patients had died from any cause and 12 had died from colorectal cancer. Given an estimated 25.4 expected deaths from colorectal cancer in the general population, the standardized incidence-based mortality ratio was 0.47 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.26 to 0.80) with colonoscopic polypectomy, suggesting a 53% reduction in mortality. Mortality from colorectal cancer was similar among patients with adenomas and those with nonadenomatous polyps during the first 10 years after polypectomy (relative risk, 1.2; 95% CI, 0.1 to 10.6).
These findings support the hypothesis that colonoscopic removal of adenomatous polyps prevents death from colorectal cancer. (Funded by the National Cancer Institute and others.)