7月24日,,日本沖繩縣科學與技術研究所的Chuya Shinzato和同事宣布,,他們已經(jīng)完成了鹿角珊瑚(Acropora digitifera)——占據(jù)了大部分印度洋—太平洋海域的一種構成珊瑚礁的細長珊瑚——的基因組測序工作。
珊瑚蟲是一種海生圓筒狀腔腸動物,,在白色幼蟲階段便自動固定在先輩珊瑚的石灰質遺骨堆上,,珊瑚是珊瑚蟲分泌出的外殼,珊瑚的化學成分主要為CaCO3,,以微晶方解石集合體形式存在,,成分中還有一定數(shù)量的有機質,形態(tài)多呈樹枝狀,,上面有縱條紋,,每個單體珊瑚橫斷面有同心圓狀和放射狀條紋,顏色常呈白色,,也有少量藍色和黑色,,珊瑚不僅形象像樹枝,顏色鮮艷美麗,,可以做裝飾品,,并且還有很高的藥用價值。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Using the Acropora digitifera genome to understand coral responses to environmental change
Chuya Shinzato; Eiichi Shoguchi; Takeshi Kawashima; Mayuko Hamada; Kanako Hisata; Makiko Tanaka; Manabu Fujie; Mayuki Fujiwara; Ryo Koyanagi; Tetsuro Ikuta; Asao Fujiyama; David J. Miller; Nori Satoh
Despite the enormous ecological and economic importance of coral reefs, the keystone organisms in their establishment, the scleractinian corals, increasingly face a range of anthropogenic challenges including ocean acidification and seawater temperature rise1, 2, 3, 4. To understand better the molecular mechanisms underlying coral biology, here we decoded the approximately 420-megabase genome of Acropora digitifera using next-generation sequencing technology. This genome contains approximately 23,700 gene models. Molecular phylogenetics indicate that the coral and the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis diverged approximately 500 million years ago, considerably earlier than the time over which modern corals are represented in the fossil record (~240 million years ago)5. Despite the long evolutionary history of the endosymbiosis, no evidence was found for horizontal transfer of genes from symbiont to host. However, unlike several other corals, Acropora seems to lack an enzyme essential for cysteine biosynthesis, implying dependency of this coral on its symbionts for this amino acid. Corals inhabit environments where they are frequently exposed to high levels of solar radiation, and analysis of the Acropora genome data indicates that the coral host can independently carry out de novo synthesis of mycosporine-like amino acids, which are potent ultraviolet-protective compounds. In addition, the coral innate immunity repertoire is notably more complex than that of the sea anemone, indicating that some of these genes may have roles in symbiosis or coloniality. A number of genes with putative roles in calcification were identified, and several of these are restricted to corals. The coral genome provides a platform for understanding the molecular basis of symbiosis and responses to environmental changes.