微生物學報Acta Microbiologica Sinica
48(5):644~650;4 May 2008
Genus-specific PCR for molecular identification of novel isolates of the genus Nesterenkonia
Xiaoyang Zhi1,Lingling Yang1,Yun Wang2,Shukun Tang1,Kai Lou2,Wenjun Li1*
(1Key Laboratory for Microbial Resources of Ministry of Education,Yunnan Institute of Microbiology,Yunnan University,Kunming 650091,China)
(2Xinjiang Institute of Microbiology,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Science,Urumqi 830091,China)
Supported by the Key Project of China National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development(2004CB719601),the National
Natural Science Foundation of China(30600001),the Key Project of Chinese Ministry of Education(206139)and the Program for New Century Excellent Talent in University(NCET)
*Corresponding author.Tel/Fax:+86-871-5033335;E-Mail:[email protected],[email protected]
[Objective and Method]:For rapid identification of Nesterenkonia species,one set of genus-specific primers was designed and synthesized for polymerase chain reaction based on the 16S rRNA gene sequences.
[Results and Conclusion]:The genus specificity of these primers was validated with reference strains as well as with wild-type isolates.Partial sequencing results of 16S rRNA gene of the wild-type isolates confirmed that they are members of the genus Nesterenkonia.
全文下載:Genus-specific PCR for molecular identification of novel isolates of the genus Nesterenkonia
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