該研究組發(fā)現(xiàn),合成胰島素的胰島細胞在神經方面的異常是引發(fā)小鼠出現(xiàn)I型糖尿病的主要原因,。將小鼠的感官神經元去除可防止細胞出現(xiàn)炎癥,,并使小鼠不會出現(xiàn)機能紊亂。通過注射藥物也可以在一天之內清除小鼠胰島細胞的炎性,,并可使糖尿病相關的胰島素抗性恢復正常,。該項研究的合作者,Calgary大學的Pere Santamaria認為:“我們已經對I型糖尿病和II型糖尿病有了更深入的了解,,并制定了新的治療方案,。我們現(xiàn)在正努力將我們的科研成果應用于感官神經異常糖尿病患者的治療,但現(xiàn)在我們還不知道這種神經方面的異常是否在早期就已經出現(xiàn)以及是否對糖尿病病情發(fā)展具有影響”,。研究者表示,,現(xiàn)在正在采用新的治療方案對II型糖尿病或肥胖相關糖尿病進行治療,這類糖尿病的胰島素抗性甚至更強,,但有“足夠的證據(jù)”表明,,該項方法具有一定效果。
Figure 1. Removal of TRPV1+ Neurons Reduces Islet Infiltration and Diabetes Progression
Immunohistochemistry of TRPV1+ neurons in pancreas of 8-week-old NODctrl (A) and NODcaps (B). Insulin, blue; GFAP, red; and TRPV1, green; insert, dual-color stain for TRPV1 and GFAP in an adjacent, serial section (A). Western blot analysis of TRPV1 expression in spinal cord protein extracts from NODctrl and NODcaps mice at 12 (first lane) and 20 weeks of age (second lane) (C). Insulitis was scored in at least 300 islets from NODctrl and from NODcaps mice, 20 weeks of age (n = 5/group) (D). Kinetics of insulitis (E) and diabetes development in NODctrl and NODcaps mice (F).
Cell December 15, 2006: 127 (6)
TRPV1+ Sensory Neurons Control β Cell Stress and Islet Inflammation in Autoimmune Diabetesp1123
Rozita Razavi, Yin Chan, F. Nikoo Afifiyan, Xue Jun Liu, Xiang Wan, Jason Yantha, Hubert Tsui, Lan Tang, Sue Tsai, Pere Santamaria, John P. Driver, David Serreze, Michael W. Salter, and H.-Michael Dosch
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Sensory Neurons Link the Nervous System and Autoimmune Diabetesp1097
Helene Bour-Jordan and Jeffrey A. Bluestone
[Summary] [Full Text] [PDF]
Dr. Pere Santamaria
Department Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Faculty Medicine
Institution University of Calgary
Project Title T-cell tolerance versus genetic resistance to spontaneous autoimmune diabetes.
Description of Project Type 1, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is the result of complete and irreversible destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas by certain white blood cells of the immune system. These white blood cells begin to accumulate in the pancreas months or even years before clinical symptoms of the disease develop. Dr. Santamaria aims to understand the mechanisms that control the development, activation, and recruitment of these white blood cells during the pre-symptomatic (pre-diabetic) disease state, and to learn how to turn them off.