FIGURE 3. The membrane-embedded active site of rhomboid protease
a, b, Mutagenesis studies on Drosophila Rhomboid-1 and other rhomboid proteases mapped onto GlpG (viewing angle as in Fig. 2a, b). The GLSG (Gly 199, Ser 201) motif and His 254 are shown in red; His 150 and Asn 154 in orange; Trp 136 and Arg 137 in yellow. Alanine substitution of an arginine in Rhomboid-1 that corresponds to Lys 173 of GlpG (green) also affects activity12: this residue may have a structural function. Alanine substitutions of those residues shown in white do not affect activity12. c, The internal hydrophilic cavity and its front opening. For clarity, the lateral gate (L1) and the cap (L5) have been omitted. The asterisk marks the location of His 254 towards the back of the cavity. The molecular surface is generated by GRASP49. d, A detailed view of the active site and the hydrogen bond network surrounding the catalytic Ser 201 and His 254 (pink). WAT, water molecule (isolated red dots). Only parts of L1, S2, L3, S4, S5 and S6 are shown for clarity. e, Bound water molecules (yellow spheres) within the active site in relation to the conserved GLSG motif and His 254 (red). The boundaries for the hydrophobic region of the membrane are marked by horizontal lines.
Nature Volume 444 Number 7116 pp123-242
Crystal structure of a rhomboid family intramembrane protease p179
Yongcheng Wang, Yingjiu Zhang and Ya Ha
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (872K) | Supplementary information
Nature Volume 444 Number 7116 pp123-242
Structural biology: Enzyme theory holds water p153
Intramembrane proteases have attracted much attention because of their biological and medical value. The first crystal structure of one of these enzymes begins to solve the mystery of how they work.
Matthew Freeman
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