ANU Bioinformatics Hypermedia Server
Baylor College of Medicine, Human Genome Sequencing Center BCM Search Launcher
Barton lab at EBI. Protein structure analysis and prediction.
BMERC BioMolecular Engineering Research Center at BU. Struc predic and comparative genome analysis.
Brutlag Bioinformatics Group Stanford. Profiles and Motifs.
The Cell Death Society Apoptosis related info, meetings, etc.
DDBJ DNA Databank of Japan
EBI (European Bioinformatics Institute) Includes EBI‘s BioCatalog Software Directory
EMBL including a Services Index
EMBNet Swiss Node EMBNet Norway
ETH Computational Biochemistry including DARWIN workbench.
ExPASy Molecular Biology Server Amos‘ links
Gene Browser Biotechnology and Gene Therapy Links.
Harvard Biological Labs Genome Research
HGMP UK Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Center
ICRF ICNET Software and Databases
I.M.A.G.E. Consortium cDNA libraries. World‘s largest collection of genes.
IUBio 美國印地安那大學(xué)生物系生物信息學(xué)中心,,維護(hù)著內(nèi)容豐富的生物計(jì)算軟件檔案,、果蠅數(shù)據(jù)庫 FlyBase、真核生物基因信息庫enGenes等重要資源,。
Johns Hopkins Bioninformatics Web Server
Mich Tech U Huang Lab
MDC Dept of Bioinformatics, Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine
MIPS Munich Information Centre for Protein Sequences. Access to yeast, arabadop. genomes.
NCGR National Center for Genome Resources
NCSA Biology Workbench. Requires licence agreement for commercial use.
OMF Open Molecule Foundation.
PBIL Pole Bio-Informatique Lyonnais. Home of ACNUC, Hovergen, NRSub, etc.
PSC Pittsburgh supercomputing center.
PSU Web Tools for Mol Biol
Pedro‘s Research Tools
Sanger Center AceDB, Pfam, Wormpep, BLAST post-processing filters, sequencing projects. WISE2 info MSPcrunch blast output viewer. Sean Eddy Lab Wash U. RNA, etc.
Tom Schneider, NCI Molecular Information Theory. Sequence Logos and Walkers. Scan sequences for sites.
Stanford Genomic Resources Including Sacchromyces, Arabidopsis thaliana genome databases
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics will run Expasy and Swiss EMBNet node. Proteomics.
The Technical University of Denmark Center for Biological Analysis
UCL BSM Group Home page UCL Bioinformatics Server Includes OWL, PRINTS, ALIGN , GPCR, CATH, KabatMan, and other links. Thornton lab home page
UCLA-DOE Lab Eisenberg Protein Anallysis software - see Services
UWGC 華盛頓大學(xué)基因中心,,是國際上最活躍的測序中心之一,。這 里有不少與測序有關(guān)的軟件,如 Phrap,,RepeatMasker等,。
Virtual Genome Center Univ of Minnesota
Weizmann Institute Genome and Bioinformatics Human Chromosome 17, Genecards, Hot Molecules for Medicine, Plant Genome Center, Cinema, BioMoo
Washington University Dept of Genetics Blast, HMMER, Pfam S Eddy
Washington University Institute for Biomedical Computing
WashU-HHMI Mouse EST project
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research/MIT Center for Genome Research Genome Sequencing, maps, software.