日前,,中國科學院古脊椎動物與古人類研究所的科學家們發(fā)現了一種與鳥類極具近親關 系 的 恐 龍——“胡 氏 耀 龍 ”,,“胡”源自我國已故的年輕古哺乳動物學家胡耀明。這種介于鳥類和恐龍之間的新物種將為揭開鳥類起源,、飛行起源及羽毛起源之謎等提供新的證據,。
這一研究結果將發(fā)表在今天出版的最新一期英國 《自然》(Nature)雜志上。
Nature 455, 1105-1108 (23 October 2008) | doi:10.1038/nature07447
A bizarre Jurassic maniraptoran from China with elongate ribbon-like feathers
Fucheng Zhang1, Zhonghe Zhou1, Xing Xu1, Xiaolin Wang1 & Corwin Sullivan1
Laboratory of Evolutionary Systematics of Vertebrates, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PO Box 643, Beijing 100044, China
Recent coelurosaurian discoveries have greatly enriched our knowledge of the transition from dinosaurs to birds, but all reported taxa close to this transition are from relatively well known coelurosaurian groups1, 2, 3. Here we report a new basal avialan, Epidexipteryx hui gen. et sp. nov., from the Middle to Late Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China. This new species is characterized by an unexpected combination of characters seen in several different theropod groups, particularly the Oviraptorosauria. Phylogenetic analysis shows it to be the sister taxon to Epidendrosaurus 4, 5, forming a new clade at the base of Avialae6. Epidexipteryx also possesses two pairs of elongate ribbon-like tail feathers, and its limbs lack contour feathers for flight. This finding shows that a member of the avialan lineage experimented with integumentary ornamentation as early as the Middle to Late Jurassic, and provides further evidence relating to this aspect of the transition from non-avian theropods to birds.