12月1日,Rensselaer技術研究所的紐約天文生物學中心的布魯斯-沃森所帶領的研究團隊在《自然》上發(fā)表了他們最新的研究結果"The oxidation state of Hadean magmas and implications for early Earth’s atmosphere",,沃森稱:“人們總是認為地球上的條件‘一開始’是非常簡化的,,因為最初硅酸鹽物質(zhì)(最終形成地幔)和形成地核的鐵元素是混合在一起的,元素(簡化的)鐵的存在暗示簡化的條件,因此也暗示簡化的氣體諸如甲烷,、硫化氫和氨氣”,??茖W家使用術語“簡化的”來描述只有有限的氧的條件,。
因為人們并不認為氧化的大氣是生命的偉大起點--甲烷和其貧氧的相似化合物為從無機化合物到氨基酸和DNA提供了一個好得多的進步之階--這個新結論對確切地理解生命怎樣和何時在這顆行星上開始,,以及生命的成份是否確實是從宇宙的其它地方過來的,具有指導意義,。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
The oxidation state of Hadean magmas and implications for early Earth’s atmosphere
Dustin Trail,E. Bruce Watson & Nicholas D. Tailby
Magmatic outgassing of volatiles from Earth’s interior probably played a critical part in determining the composition of the earliest atmosphere, more than 4,000 million years (Myr) ago1. Given an elemental inventory of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur, the identity of molecular species in gaseous volcanic emanations depends critically on the pressure (fugacity) of oxygen. Reduced melts having oxygen fugacities close to that defined by the iron–wüstite buffer would yield volatile species such as CH4, H2, H2S, NH3 and CO, whereas melts close to the fayalite–magnetite–quartz buffer would be similar to present-day conditions and would be dominated by H2O, CO2, SO2 and N2 (refs 1–4). Direct constraints on the oxidation state of terrestrial magmas before 3,850 Myr before present (that is, the Hadean eon) are tenuous because the rock record is sparse or absent. Samples from this earliest period of Earth’s history are limited to igneous detrital zircons that pre-date the known rock record, with ages approaching ~4,400 Myr (refs 5–8). Here we report a redox-sensitive calibration to determine the oxidation state of Hadean magmatic melts that is based on the incorporation of cerium into zircon crystals. We find that the melts have average oxygen fugacities that are consistent with an oxidation state defined by the fayalite–magnetite–quartz buffer, similar to present-day conditions. Moreover, selected Hadean zircons (having chemical characteristics consistent with crystallization specifically from mantle-derived melts) suggest oxygen fugacities similar to those of Archaean and present-day mantle-derived lavas2, 3, 4, 9, 10 as early as ~4,350 Myr before present. These results suggest that outgassing of Earth’s interior later than ~200 Myr into the history of Solar System formation would not have resulted in a reducing atmosphere.