一項新的研究顯示,,厄瓜多爾有一小群人幾乎從來不會罹患糖尿病或癌癥,。 該報告分析了從一組獨特的人群中所收集的23年的數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)果,,這群差不多有100位有血緣關(guān)系的人是西班牙改宗者的后裔(這些人是為了避免西班牙宗教法庭的審判而皈依基督教的猶太人)。 這一大家族的成員的生長激素受體(或稱GHR基因)發(fā)生了一種變異,,這使得他們的生長受到抑制,。 現(xiàn)在,Jaime Guevara-Aguirre, Valter Longo及其同事顯示,,這群厄瓜多爾人中的GHR突變與一種像面包酵母菌這樣簡單的生物中的基因變化十分相似,,這種變化使得該酵母菌可以長壽而且對毒素具有抵抗力。 這些發(fā)現(xiàn)還暗示,,抑制那些已經(jīng)達到正常成年人身高者的生長激素受體也許可以防止多種因老齡化而罹患的疾病,,其中包括癌癥和糖尿病。 在23年中,,這一厄瓜多爾家族的健康的詳細情況一直受到仔細的跟蹤,。 從這一數(shù)據(jù)匯集中,,研究人員顯示,在這一小群人中,,那些攜帶了GHR基因變異的個人幾乎從來不會罹患癌癥及糖尿?。欢鴮φ战M成員(即這些人的沒有這種突變的親戚)則會有與那些厄瓜多爾的普通大眾類似的癌癥和糖尿病的發(fā)病率),。
為了探索其究竟,,研究人員對來自該家族成員血樣本中的數(shù)千個基因進行了基因表達分析以查明他們不患癌癥和糖尿病的分子學原因。 他們發(fā)現(xiàn),,那些有著GHR基因變異的家族成員的胰島素樣生長因子-1(或稱IGF-1)的含量較低,,而且他們的胰島素濃度也較低,而其胰島素敏感性則較高,。 當處于應(yīng)激狀態(tài)下,,他們的細胞趨向于自我銷毀而非積累DNA的損害。 所有這些特征已知會促進較低等生物中的細胞的長壽,。 盡管要證明IGF-1和胰島素濃度的大幅減少是該厄瓜多爾家族不生癌癥和糖尿病的原因是困難的,,但這些發(fā)現(xiàn)與在如酵母菌、蠕蟲和小鼠等低等生物中所觀察到的結(jié)果是一致的,。 在酵母菌種,,生長基因的突變可保護其免受與老化有關(guān)的基因組的大破壞,而在胰島素有關(guān)的信號轉(zhuǎn)導通路中的基因突變可增加蠕蟲的壽命并減少其體內(nèi)異常細胞的增殖,。 那些生長激素有缺陷的小鼠還顯示了格外長的壽命,,其與老化有關(guān)的基因突變和癌癥的出現(xiàn)會延后。 然而,。令人感到意外的是,,這一特別人群中的個人實際上并不比其他的厄瓜多爾人活得更長,他們會在一定的時候死于其它(與老齡無關(guān))的疾病,。 這些發(fā)現(xiàn)證明,,在模型生物中的與老齡化有關(guān)的研究可能會找到關(guān)鍵性的促進人類健康長壽生活的通路。 (生物谷Bioon.com)
Sci Transl Med DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3001845
Growth Hormone Receptor Deficiency Is Associated with a Major Reduction in Pro-Aging Signaling, Cancer, and Diabetes in Humans
Jaime Guevara-Aguirre1,*?, Priya Balasubramanian2,3,*, Marco Guevara-Aguirre1, Min Wei3, Federica Madia3, Chia-Wei Cheng3, David Hwang4, Alejandro Martin-Montalvo5,6, Jannette Saavedra1, Sue Ingles7, Rafael de Cabo5, Pinchas Cohen4 and Valter D. Longo2,3,8,?
Mutations in growth signaling pathways extend life span, as well as protect against age-dependent DNA damage in yeast and decrease insulin resistance and cancer in mice. To test their effect in humans, we monitored for 22 years Ecuadorian individuals who carry mutations in the growth hormone receptor (GHR) gene that lead to severe GHR and IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor–1) deficiencies. We combined this information with surveys to identify the cause and age of death for individuals in this community who died before this period. The individuals with GHR deficiency exhibited only one nonlethal malignancy and no cases of diabetes, in contrast to a prevalence of 17% for cancer and 5% for diabetes in control subjects. A possible explanation for the very low incidence of cancer was suggested by in vitro studies: Serum from subjects with GHR deficiency reduced DNA breaks but increased apoptosis in human mammary epithelial cells treated with hydrogen peroxide. Serum from GHR-deficient subjects also caused reduced expression of RAS, PKA (protein kinase A), and TOR (target of rapamycin) and up-regulation of SOD2 (superoxide dismutase 2) in treated cells, changes that promote cellular protection and life-span extension in model organisms. We also observed reduced insulin concentrations (1.4 μU/ml versus 4.4 μU/ml in unaffected relatives) and a very low HOMA-IR (homeostatic model assessment–insulin resistance) index (0.34 versus 0.96 in unaffected relatives) in individuals with GHR deficiency, indicating higher insulin sensitivity, which could explain the absence of diabetes in these subjects. These results provide evidence for a role of evolutionarily conserved pathways in the control of aging and disease burden in humans.