神經生物學科學家通常將人類的記憶分為三類:陳述性記憶(declarative memory),,如記憶某個特殊事件;程序性記憶(procedural memory),,如學習彈鋼琴或者灌籃,;工作記憶(working memory),如短時記憶一個電話號碼等,。
在一項即將發(fā)表于2010年Nature Neuroscience雜志二月版的一項研究報告中,,凱斯西儲大學醫(yī)學院Strowbridge和Larimer等人對負責人類工作記憶的大腦神經回路進行研究,。
Nature Neuroscience 27 December 2009 | doi:10.1038/nn.2458
Representing information in cell assemblies: persistent activity mediated by semilunar granule cells
Phillip Larimer1 & Ben W Strowbridge1
Here we found that perforant path stimulation in rat hippocampal slices evoked long-lasting barrages of synaptic inputs in subpopulations of dentate gyrus mossy cells and hilar interneurons. Synaptic barrages triggered persistent firing in hilar neurons (hilar up-states). We found that synaptic barrages originate from semilunar granule cells (SGCs), glutamatergic neurons in the inner molecular layer that generate long-duration plateau potentials in response to excitatory synaptic input. MK801, nimodipine and nickel all abolished both stimulus-evoked plateau potentials in SGCs and synaptic barrages in downstream hilar neurons without blocking fast synaptic transmission. Hilar up-states triggered functional inhibition in granule cells that persisted for more than 10 s. Hilar cell assemblies, identified by simultaneous triple and paired intracellular recordings, were linked by persistent firing in SGCs. Population responses recorded in hilar neurons accurately encoded stimulus identity. Stimulus-evoked up-states in the dentate gyrus represent a potential cellular basis for hippocampal working memory.
1 Department of Neurosciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.