塵螨是導致人類室內(nèi)過敏的最主要過敏原來源。目前過敏治療的標準方法是脫敏治療(多次微量注射過敏原于過敏病人),,因此,,高純度過敏原的獲得及其基本生化特征的認知是決定脫敏治療效果和副作用強弱的關(guān)鍵。目前在塵螨過敏脫敏治療過程中使用的過敏原還有相當大的比例是塵螨提取物,。這些提取物是含有多種過敏原和其他雜質(zhì)的混合物,,其治療效果欠佳,且可能產(chǎn)生副作用,。因此,,單一成分過敏原是新一代脫敏治療候選藥物的基本要求。粉塵螨(Dermatophagoides farinae)中估計含有至少30種以上的過敏原,,而實際報道的過敏原只有14種,。
該研究工作發(fā)表在Mol. Cell. Proteomics上,。(Dermatophagoides farinae allergens diversity identification by proteomics. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2013 Mar 12. [Epub ahead of print])。
Dermatophagoides farinae allergens diversity identification by proteomics
Su An1, Lingling Chen2, Chengbo Long1, Xiaoyu Liu3, Xuemei Xu4, Xingre Lu5, Mingqiang Rong1, Zhigang Liu3 and Ren Lai1,*
The most important indoor allergens for humans are house dust mites (HDM). Fourteen Dermatophagoides farinae allergens (Der f 1-3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13-18, and 22) are reported although more than 30 allergens have been estimated in D. farinae. Seventeen allergens belonging to 12 different groups were identified by a procedure of proteomics combined with two-dimensional immunoblotting from D. farina extracts. Their sequences were determined by Edman degradation, mass spectrometry analysis and cDNA cloning. Their allergenicities were assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay inhibition tests, immunoblots, basophil activation test and skin prick tests. Eight of them are the first report as D. farinae allergens. The procedure of proteomic approach combined with purely discovery approach using sera of patients with broad IgE reactivity profiles to mite allergens was an effective method to investigate more complete repertoire of D. farinae allergens. The identification of eight new D. farinae allergens will be helpful for HDM allergy diagnosis and therapy, especially for patients without response for HDM major allergens. In addition, the current work significantly extended repertoire of D. farinae allergens.