深埋于海底之下的有8600萬年之久的紅色粘土中的細菌是靠著極其微量的氧氣存活的,。近日刊登在Science上的一項新的研究報告說,,這些微生物所用的氧氣是如此地少,,它們僅勉強能算作是有生命,。地球的單細胞生物中大概有90%是被埋在海床下生活著的,。由于這些微生物是以如此的慢動作生活,,因此科學家們要等1000年才能注意到深海微生物所發(fā)生的任何變化,。但是,,研究人員能夠利用一個已經(jīng)在太平洋海床之下進行了8600萬年的實驗。在一次沿著赤道并進入北太平洋環(huán)流(一個位于北太平洋的強力水流系統(tǒng))的航行考察中,,Hans Roy及其同事從深入海床之下的沉積物柱中采集了淤泥樣本,。
Aerobic Microbial Respiration in 86-Million-Year-Old Deep-Sea Red Clay
Hans Røy1,*, Jens Kallmeyer2, Rishi Ram Adhikari2, Robert Pockalny3, Bo Barker Jørgensen1, Steven D’Hondt3
Microbial communities can subsist at depth in marine sediments without fresh supply of organic matter for millions of years. At threshold sedimentation rates of 1 millimeter per 1000 years, the low rates of microbial community metabolism in the North Pacific Gyre allow sediments to remain oxygenated tens of meters below the sea floor. We found that the oxygen respiration rates dropped from 10 micromoles of O2 liter−1 year−1 near the sediment-water interface to 0.001 micromoles of O2 liter−1 year−1 at 30-meter depth within 86 million-year-old sediment. The cell-specific respiration rate decreased with depth but stabilized at around 10−3 femtomoles of O2 cell−1 day−1 10 meters below the seafloor. This result indicated that the community size is controlled by the rate of carbon oxidation and thereby by the low available energy flux.