在2002年Science上發(fā)表兩篇文章稱干細(xì)胞具有通用的marker:stemness genes的假說,最近Science集中評述了這一發(fā)現(xiàn),,文章非常值得一讀:
Oringal articles:
1. M. Ramalho-Santos, S. Yoon, Y. Matsuzaki, R. C. Mulligan, D. A. Melton, Science 298, 597 (2002).[Abstract/Free Full Text]
2. N. B. Ivanova et al., Science 298, 601 (2002).[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Comment articles:
Comment on " 'Stemness': Transcriptional Profiling of Embryonic and Adult Stem Cells" and "A Stem Cell Molecular Signature" (I)
Nicolas O. Fortunel, Hasan H. Otu, Huck-Hui Ng, Jinhui Chen, Xiuqian Mu, Timothy Chevassut, Xiaoyu Li, Marie Joseph, Charles Bailey, Jacques A. Hatzfeld, Antoinette Hatzfeld, Fatih Usta, Vinsensius B. Vega, Philip M. Long, Towia A. Libermann, and Bing Lim
Science Oct 17 2003: 393. [Full Text] [PDF]
Comment on " 'Stemness': Transcriptional Profiling of Embryonic and Adult Stem Cells" and "A Stem Cell Molecular Signature" (II)
Alexei V. Evsikov and Davor Solter
Science Oct 17 2003: 393. [Full Text] [PDF]
Response to Comments on " 'Stemness': Transcriptional Profiling of Embryonic and Adult Stem Cells" and "A Stem Cell Molecular Signature"
Natalia B. Ivanova, John T. Dimos, Christoph Schaniel, Jason A. Hackney, Kateri A. Moore, Miguel Ramalho-Santos, Soonsang Yoon, Yumi Matsuzaki, Richard C. Mulligan, Douglas A. Melton, and Ihor R. Lemischka
Science Oct 17 2003: 393. [Full Text] [PDF]