5月12 日,,《英國皇家學(xué)會進展:B》在線發(fā)表動物所肖永紅、張健旭和李樞強(通訊作者)從北京幽靈蛛首次鑒定出首個雄性蜘蛛信息素的研究結(jié)果,。 他們使用化學(xué),、電生理及行為試驗方法,發(fā)現(xiàn)(Z)-9-二十三烯是北京幽靈蛛 (Pholcus beijingensis) 的求偶期雄蛛全提取液中特有的化合物成分,,這種物質(zhì)能夠刺激成熟雌蛛步足跗節(jié)的化學(xué)感受器產(chǎn)生電位反應(yīng),。
行為試驗結(jié)果顯示 (Z)-9-二十三烯對交配期雌蛛沒有吸引性,,不會激發(fā)交配期雌蛛的捕獵行為,但暴露于 (Z)-9-二十三烯環(huán)境的雌成蛛與對照組相比更易于與尋偶雄蛛交配,,其配對雄蛛的求偶時間顯著縮短,。研究結(jié)果證實 (Z)-9-二十三烯是北京幽靈蛛雄蛛釋放的性欲激發(fā)信息素(aphrodisiac),該信息素不是性引誘劑,,其主要功能是向同種雌蛛傳遞性的信息,,激發(fā)雌蛛的交配行為。
Proceedings of the royal socity B doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.0763
Male-specific (Z)-9-tricosene stimulates female mating behaviour in the spider Pholcus beijingensis
Yong-Hong Xiao1,3, Jian-Xu Zhang2 and Shu-Qiang Li1,*
Chemical signals play an important role in spider sexual communication, yet the chemistry of spider sex pheromones remains poorly understood. Chemical identification of male-produced pheromone-mediating sexual behaviour in spiders has also, to our knowledge, not been reported before. This study aimed to examine whether chemically mediated strategies are used by males of the spider Pholcus beijingensis for increasing the probability of copulation. Based on data from gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis, electroantennography assay and a series of behavioural tests, we verified that (Z)-9-tricosene is a male-specific compound in the spider P. beijingensis. This compound acts as an aphrodisiac: it increases the likelihood that a female will mate. Mate-searching males release (Z)-9-tricosene to stimulate sexual behaviour of conspecific females. In the two-choice assay, however, sexually receptive females show no preference to the chambers containing (Z)-9-tricosene. This indicates that the male pheromone of P. beijingensis is not an attractant per se to the conspecific females. This is, to our knowledge, the first identification of a male-produced aphrodisiac pheromone in spiders.