研究人員表示,接下來他們將嘗試培育人類的腦垂體,,希望能夠在3年內完成這一目標,,但由于對人類移植腦垂體需要考慮的問題更多,,要真正通過移植人工培育的腦垂體來治療疾病還需要更長的時間。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Self-formation of functional adenohypophysis in three-dimensional culture
Hidetaka Suga, Taisuke Kadoshima, Maki Minaguchi, Masatoshi Ohgushi, Mika Soen, Tokushige Nakano, Nozomu Takata, Takafumi Wataya, Keiko Muguruma, Hiroyuki Miyoshi, Shigenobu Yonemura, Yutaka Oiso & Yoshiki Sasai
The adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary) is a major centre for systemic hormones. At present, no efficient stem-cell culture for its generation is available, partly because of insufficient knowledge about how the pituitary primordium (Rathke’s pouch) is induced in the embryonic head ectoderm. Here we report efficient self-formation of three-dimensional adenohypophysis tissues in an aggregate culture of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. ES cells were stimulated to differentiate into non-neural head ectoderm and hypothalamic neuroectoderm in adjacent layers within the aggregate, and treated with hedgehog signalling. Self-organization of Rathke’s-pouch-like three-dimensional structures occurred at the interface of these two epithelia, as seen in vivo, and various endocrine cells including corticotrophs and somatotrophs were subsequently produced. The corticotrophs efficiently secreted adrenocorticotropic hormone in response to corticotrophin releasing hormone and, when grafted in vivo, these cells rescued the systemic glucocorticoid level in hypopituitary mice. Thus, functional anterior pituitary tissue self-forms in ES cell culture, recapitulating local tissue interactions.