生物谷報道:剛剛出版的Cell上,,美國冷泉港實驗室Stephen J. Elledge及其同事剛剛采用基于RNAi方法的遺傳學(xué)篩選平臺鑒定出一個新的腫瘤抑制基因REST/NRSF,。本文的核心在于首次采用RNAi遺傳學(xué)平臺鑒定出重要的新基因,。他們采用這個平臺不僅確認(rèn)了以往認(rèn)為的兩個腫瘤抑制基因TGFBR2 和PTEN,,同時鑒定出REST/NRSF,,這項實驗的重要意義不僅在于發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個新的腫瘤抑制基因,,而且證實了基于RNAi平臺進行遺傳基因的篩選是可行的,,有效的,。
同期Cell上還刊登了新西蘭科學(xué)家一篇相似的文章,,也是通過RNAi平臺篩選出另一個腫瘤抑制基因,PITX1 ,,它是通過抑制RAS通路起作用的,。為此Cell專門發(fā)文進行評論,稱贊RNAi平臺篩選基因是一個理想的工具,。
Models for the mechanism of the tumor suppressive function of REST (A) and PITX1 (B). See text for details.
A Genetic Screen for Candidate Tumor Suppressors Identifies REST
Thomas F. Westbrook, Eric S. Martin, Michael R. Schlabach, Yumei Leng, Anthony C. Liang, Bin Feng, Jean J. Zhao, Thomas M. Roberts, Gail Mandel, Gregory J. Hannon, Ronald A. DePinho, Lynda Chin, and Stephen J. Elledge
[PDF] [Supplemental Data]
A Genetic Screen Identifies PITX1 as a Suppressor of RAS Activity and Tumorigenicity
Ingrid G.M. Kolfschoten, Bart van Leeuwen, Katrien Berns, Jasper Mullenders, Roderick L. Beijersbergen, Rene Bernards, P. Mathijs Voorhoeve, and Reuven Agami
[PDF] [Supplemental Data]
RNA Interference Libraries Prove Their Worth in Hunt for Tumor Suppressor Genes
Julian Downward [PDF]