FIGURE 1. Tip60 haplo-insufficiency accelerates Myc-induced lymphomagenesis but does not alleviate the pressure for p53 inactivation.
a, Kaplan–Meier curves showing disease-free survival of E –myc mice of the indicated genotypes. The bar graph reports disease onset in the same groups as average s.d. (**P 0.001,*P 0.05). b,c, Genomic DNA from tumour (T) and normal (N) tail tissue from mice of the indicated genotypes was used for PCR with primers amplifying the wild-type (WT) and knockout (KO) alleles of the gene for p53 (Trp53; b) or ARF (c), as indicated. All tumours in E –mycTrp53+/–Tip60+/– mice (10/10) underwent Trp53 LOH (b and data not shown). As shown in a, these tumours developed slightly faster than in E –mycTip60+/– mice, but at the same rate as in E –mycTrp53+/– mice. Similarly, Arf LOH (c)10 and tumour onset (data not shown) were equivalent in Arf+/– and Arf+/–Tip60+/– backgrounds.
Nature Volume 448 Number 7157
Tip60 is a haplo-insufficient tumour suppressor required for an oncogene-induced DNA damage response p1063
Chiara Gorrini, Massimo Squatrito, Chiara Luise, Nelofer Syed, Daniele Perna, Landon Wark, Francesca Martinato, Domenico Sardella, Alessandro Verrecchia, Samantha Bennett, Stefano Confalonieri, Matteo Cesaroni, Francesco Marchesi, Milena Gasco, Eugenio Scanziani, Maria Capra, Sabine Mai, Paolo Nuciforo, Tim Crook, John Lough & Bruno Amati
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