加拿大蒙特利爾大學和舍布魯克大學的科學家發(fā)現了一種全新的預防癌癥的分子機制,。該研究詳細解釋了SOCS1分子是如何防止慢性炎癥性疾病患者的大量致癌細胞因子的分子機制,,發(fā)表在12月11日的Molecular Cell的雜志上。
據研究人員Dr. Gerardo Ferbeyre介紹,,機體內細胞因子過多將增加癌癥的發(fā)生,。這項研究發(fā)現將有助于科學家針對那些患慢性炎癥性疾病的病人開發(fā)出預防癌癥的新方法,并有助于科學家更好地了解人類機體對抗癌癥的天然防線,。
Nature Reviews Cancer:抑癌基因p53控制細胞基因開關機制
Cancer Cell綜述:miRNA與p53的關系
Molecular Cell, Volume 36, Issue 5, 754-767, 11 December 2009 doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2009.09.044
SOCS1 Links Cytokine Signaling to p53 and Senescence
Viviane Calabrese1, 3, Frédérick A. Mallette1, 3, 4, Xavier Deschênes-Simard1, Sheela Ramanathan2, Julien Gagnon2, Adrian Moores1, Subburaj Ilangumaran2, , and Gerardo Ferbeyre1, ,
1 Département de Biochimie, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec H3C 3J7, Canada
2 Immunology Division, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec J1K 2R1, Canada
SOCS1 is lost in many human tumors, but its tumor suppression activities are not well understood. We report that SOCS1 is required for transcriptional activity, DNA binding, and serine 15 phosphorylation of p53 in the context of STAT5 signaling. In agreement, inactivation of SOCS1 disabled p53-dependent senescence in response to oncogenic STAT5A and radiation-induced apoptosis in T cells. In addition, SOCS1 was sufficient to induce p53-dependent senescence in fibroblasts. The mechanism of activation of p53 by SOCS1 involved a direct interaction between the SH2 domain of SOCS1 and the N-terminal transactivation domain of p53, while the C-terminal domain of SOCS1 containing the SOCS Box mediated interaction with the DNA damage-regulated kinases ATM/ATR. Also, SOCS1 colocalized with ATM at DNA damage foci induced by oncogenic STAT5A. Collectively, these results add another component to the p53 and DNA damage networks and reveal a mechanism by which SOCS1 functions as a tumor suppressor.