據(jù)麻省理工學院物理學研究生Manu Prakash介紹,,他們將所有控制芯片內部液體活動的因素設計在芯片之外,因此這種芯片能夠保持簡單的結構和極小的尺寸,。
Prakash及其導師Neil Gershenfeld將氣泡注入特殊形狀的微流管道中,,一個氣泡的存在就代表一個比特,或者說是1,而一個氣泡的缺失就代表著0,。在某些設計中,,一個管道中的氣泡可以影響附近管道氣泡的流動方向,正如在計算機芯片上一股電流可以開合另一股電流一樣,。而在另外一些設計中,,兩個來自不同方向的氣泡可以合并為一個。
Science 9 February 2007:
Vol. 315. no. 5813, pp. 832 - 835
DOI: 10.1126/science.1136907
Microfluidic Bubble Logic
Manu Prakash* and Neil Gershenfeld
We demonstrate universal computation in an all-fluidic two-phase microfluidic system. Nonlinearity is introduced into an otherwise linear, reversible, low–Reynolds number flow via bubble-to-bubble hydrodynamic interactions. A bubble traveling in a channel represents a bit, providing us with the capability to simultaneously transport materials and perform logical control operations. We demonstrate bubble logic AND/OR/NOT gates, a toggle flip-flop, a ripple counter, timing restoration, a ring oscillator, and an electro–bubble modulator. These show the nonlinearity, gain, bistability, synchronization, cascadability, feedback, and programmability required for scalable universal computation. With increasing complexity in large-scale microfluidic processors, bubble logic provides an on-chip process control mechanism integrating chemistry and computation.
Center for Bits and Atoms, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]