近日,中國科學(xué)院北京基因組研究所基因組科學(xué)及信息重點實驗室通過引入新的參數(shù)構(gòu)造模型,,發(fā)展了一個新的ka/ks算法,該研究成果在近期出版的Biology Direct雜志上發(fā)表,。
比較基因組分析是研究生物進(jìn)化關(guān)系的基本工具,,非同義替換率(Ka)和同義替換率(Ks)的計算是研究分子進(jìn)化動力學(xué)的重要內(nèi)容。在過去的二十多年,,基于馬爾科夫鏈的核酸替代模型一直在不斷發(fā)展,。于是涌現(xiàn)了諸如NG, LWL,, LPB,, MLWL, MLPB,, YN,, MYN等近似算法和GY等極大似然算法。這些方法考慮了三個主要的進(jìn)化序列動力學(xué)特征的部分或者全部:不平衡的轉(zhuǎn)換/顛換率,;不平衡的核酸頻率,;不平衡的轉(zhuǎn)換速率(嘌呤之間的和嘧啶之間的)。
Biology Direct 2009, 4:20doi:10.1186/1745-6150-4-20
Gamma-MYN: a new algorithm for estimating Ka and Ks with consideration of variable substitution rates
Da-Peng Wang , Hao-Lei Wan , Song Zhang and Jun Yu
Over the past two decades, there have been several approximate methods that adopt different mutation models and used for estimating nonsynonymous and synonymous substitution rates (Ka and Ks) based on protein-coding sequences across species or even different evolutionary lineages. Among them, MYN method (a Modified version of Yang-Nielsen method) considers three major dynamic features of evolving DNA sequences--bias in transition/transversion rate, nucleotide frequency, and unequal transitional substitution but leaves out another important feature: unequal substitution rates among different sites or nucleotide positions.
We incorporated a new feature for analyzing evolving DNA sequences--unequal substitution rates among different sites--into MYN method, and proposed a modified version, namely gamma-MYN, based on an assumption that the evolutionary rate at each site follows a mode of gamma-distribution. We applied gamma-MYN to analyze the key estimator of selective pressure omega (Ka/Ks) and other relevant parameters in comparison to two other related methods, YN and MYN, and found that neglecting the variation of substitution rates among different sites may lead to biased estimations of omega. Our new method appears to have minimal deviations when relevant parameters vary within normal ranges defined by empirical data.
Our results indicate that unequal substitution rates among different sites have variable influences on omega under different evolutionary rates while both transition/transversion rate ratio and unequal nucleotide frequencies affect Ka and Ks thus selective pressure omega. Reviewers This paper was reviewed by Kateryna Makova, David A. Liberles (nominated by David H Ardell), Zhaolei Zhang (nominated by Mark Gerstein), and Shamil Sunyaev.