Genome-Wide RNAi Analysis of Growth and Viability in Drosophila Cells
Michael Boutros,1* Amy A. Kiger,1* Susan Armknecht,1,2 Kim Kerr,1,2 Marc Hild,3 Britta Koch,3 Stefan A. Haas,4 Heidelberg Fly Array Consortium,3 Renato Paro,3 Norbert Perrimon1,2
A crucial aim upon completion of whole genome sequences is the functional analysis of all predicted genes. We have applied a high-throughput RNA-interference (RNAi) screen of 19,470 double-stranded (ds) RNAs in cultured cells to characterize the function of nearly all (91%) predicted Drosophila genes in cell growth and viability. We found 438 dsRNAs that identified essential genes, among which 80% lacked mutant alleles. A quantitative assay of cell number was applied to identify genes of known and uncharacterized functions. In particular, we demonstrate a role for the homolog of a mammalian acute myeloid leukemia gene (AML1) in cell survival. Such a systematic screen for cell phenotypes, such as cell viability, can thus be effective in characterizing functionally related genes on a genome-wide scale.
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