FIGURE 1. Paired-end sequence approach.
Genomic libraries are constructed from fragmented DNA and subcloned into circular vectors such as BACs or fosmids. The ends of these fragment inserts are directly sequenced from universal vector primers near the subcloning site (arrows) and are termed end-sequence pairs or paired-end sequences. End-sequence pairs are mapped to their best location in the human reference genome sequence assembly. End-sequence pairs that are discordant in terms of length (> 3 s.d. from the mean insert length) and/or orientation when mapped against the reference genome assembly may be indicative of deletions, insertions or inversion, as indicated (red, blue and green, respectively). End-sequence pairs consistent in terms of length and orientation are shown as grey.
Nature Volume 447 Number 7141
Completing the map of human genetic variation p161
A plan to identify and integrate normal structural variation into the human genome sequence.
The Human Genome Structural Variation Working Group
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