近日,,Plos One發(fā)表了中國科學院海洋研究所實驗海洋生物重點實驗室相建海研究員團隊的研究成果,,他們在海水養(yǎng)殖動物的基因組研究領域取得了突破性進展。團隊成員張曉軍博士等成功構建了櫛孔扇貝物理圖譜,,這是我國海水養(yǎng)殖動物的第一個物理圖譜,。
櫛孔扇貝(Chlamys farreri)是我國北方沿海一個非常重要的養(yǎng)殖貝類,肉質(zhì)鮮美,,營養(yǎng)豐富,,經(jīng)濟價值很高,其產(chǎn)量曾達到貝類養(yǎng)殖總產(chǎn)量的80%,。由于生態(tài)環(huán)境惡化,、病害爆發(fā)、種質(zhì)退化等原因,,近年來死亡情況持續(xù)發(fā)生,,嚴重地制約了其養(yǎng)殖產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展。我國科研人員一直在開展櫛孔扇貝的免疫學和基因組學等基礎研究,,以期找到解決問題的關鍵,。
2007年,相建海研究員獲得國家自然基金項目“櫛孔扇貝高密度物理圖譜建立及與遺傳圖譜的整合”的資助,。研究團隊經(jīng)過三年多不懈的努力,,克服了細菌人工染色體(BAC)文庫構建、BAC指紋制備和圖譜組裝等一系列難題,,成功構建出櫛孔扇貝高密度物理圖譜,。該圖譜主要由3,696 條contigs組成,平均長度為490 kb,,包含了63,641個BAC克隆,,覆蓋扇貝基因組1.5倍;同時圖譜上錨定有10,587個BAC末端序列和167個分子標記,,其中27個標記同時存在于櫛孔扇貝的遺傳連鎖圖譜上,,初步實現(xiàn)了遺傳圖譜和物理圖譜的整合;另外有6個與免疫有關的重要功能基因被定位到該物理圖譜上,。
A BAC-Based Physical Map of Zhikong Scallop (Chlamys farreri Jones et Preston)
Xiaojun Zhang, Cui Zhao, Chao Huang, Hu Duan, Pin Huan, Chengzhang Liu, Xiuying Zhang, Yang Zhang, Fuhua Li, Hong-Bin Zhang, Jianhai Xiang
Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) is one of the most economically important aquaculture species in China. Physical maps are crucial tools for genome sequencing, gene mapping and cloning, genetic improvement and selective breeding. In this study, we have developed a genome-wide, BAC-based physical map for the species. A total of 81,408 clones from two BAC libraries of the scallop were fingerprinted using an ABI 3130xl Genetic Analyzer and a fingerprinting kit developed in our laboratory. After data processing, 63,641 (~5.8× genome coverage) fingerprints were validated and used in the physical map assembly. A total of 3,696 contigs were assembled for the physical map. Each contig contained an average of 10.0 clones, with an average physical size of 490 kb. The combined total physical size of all contigs was 1.81 Gb, equivalent to approximately 1.5 fold of the scallop haploid genome. A total of 10,587 BAC end sequences (BESs) and 167 markers were integrated into the physical map. We evaluated the physical map by overgo hybridization, BAC-FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization), contig BAC pool screening and source BAC library screening. The results have provided evidence of the high reliability of the contig physical map. This is the first physical map in mollusc; therefore, it provides an important platform for advanced research of genomics and genetics, and mapping of genes and QTL of economical importance, thus facilitating the genetic improvement and selective breeding of the scallop and other marine molluscs.