在一個用小鼠所做的研究中,,Yasuhiro Yamauchi及其同事證明,,只需要2個Y染色體基因就能夠產生一個不成熟的精子細胞,,它可成功地使卵子受精并產生可存活后代,。
Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1242544
Two Y Genes Can replace the Entire Y Chromosome for Assisted Reproduction in the Mouse
Yasuhiro Yamauchi,, Jonathan M. Riel, Zoia Stoytcheva,, Monika A. Ward*
The Y chromosome is thought to be important for male reproduction. We have previously shown that,, with the use of assisted reproduction, live offspring can be obtained from mice lacking the entire Y chromosome long arm. Here,, we demonstrate that live mouse progeny can also be generated by using germ cells from males with the Y chromosome contribution limited to only two genes,, the testis determinant factor Sry and the spermatogonial proliferation factor Eif2s3y. Sry is believed to function primarily in sex determination during fetal life. Eif2s3y may be the only Y chromosome gene required to drive mouse spermatogenesis, allowing formation of haploid germ cells that are functional in assisted reproduction. Our findings are relevant,, but not directly translatable,, to human male infertility cases.