以上這些行為有助于雄性園丁鳥吸引異性,,不過雌鳥是否中意的是一個腦瓜兒靈的家伙呢?為了找到答案,,馬里蘭大學(xué)學(xué)院公園(University of Maryland, College Park)的研究人員與30來只在澳大利亞袋鼠溪發(fā)現(xiàn)的園丁鳥打上了交道,。研究生Jason Keagy利用雄鳥不喜歡在涼亭中出現(xiàn)紅色物體(它們比較喜歡藍色,顯然是因為藍色在自然環(huán)境中較少見)進行測試,。在一次測試中,,他將一個紅色的電池端子塑料蓋放在涼亭中,并用一個透明的盒子蓋住,,雄鳥必須掀開盒子才能弄走塑料蓋,。在另一次測試中,他將紅色瓷磚用螺絲固定在平臺上,迫使園丁鳥嘗試用樹葉和樹枝蓋住它們,。研究人員用攝像機自動記錄這些過程,。
研究人員在《動物行為》(Animal Behaviour)雜志網(wǎng)絡(luò)版上發(fā)文稱,解決問題能力最強的雄鳥獲得的交配次數(shù)最多,。例如,,在電池蓋測試中,一些鳥僅用20秒鐘就移走了物體,,而另外一些鳥卻束手無策,。鳥與鳥之間的交配成功率差別很大,個體在繁殖季節(jié)的交配次數(shù)從0到幾十次不等,。研究人員稱,,大體上講,能力最突出的鳥的交配次數(shù)約為能力差的鳥的兩倍,。
美國北卡羅來納州達勒姆國家進化綜合中心的行為生態(tài)學(xué)家Carlos Botero稱,,據(jù)他所知,這是第一次實驗證明解決問題能力與成功繁殖具有關(guān)聯(lián)性,。他表示,,“這種觀察很不錯”,盡管“到目前為止,,我們還不知道為何會存在這種關(guān)聯(lián)”,,也就是說,(我們不知道)雌鳥在選擇配偶時,,究竟是依據(jù)對方的智商還是被與智力無關(guān)的性感舞姿所吸引,。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Animal Behaviour doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2009.07.011
Male satin bowerbird problem-solving ability predicts mating success
Jason Keagya, , , Jean-Fran?ois Savardb, 1 and Gerald Borgiaa, b, 1
aProgram in Behavior, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, University of Maryland, College Park
bDepartment of Biology, University of Maryland, College Park
Mate choice and mate attraction are important behaviours influencing the evolution of elaborate traits. It is possible that male general cognitive performance plays an important role in sexual attractiveness, but there has been no direct test of this hypothesis. Satin bowerbirds, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus, are an excellent species for testing this hypothesis because their complex male courtship, including use of decorations of certain colours, suggests a selective advantage to individuals with superior cognitive abilities. We used males' strong aversion to red objects on their bowers to design two unique problem-solving tests. We presented males with these problems to test the hypothesis that males that are better problem-solvers have higher mating success. We confirmed this prediction and demonstrate that neither age nor motivational level significantly influenced problem-solving scores. Our findings suggest that general cognitive performance is related to male mating success. This is the first evidence that individuals with better problem-solving abilities are more sexually attractive.