2月22日,,國際著名學術期刊《自然—通訊》Nature Communications 在線發(fā)表了中國科學技術大學地球和空間科學學院,、中國科學院殼幔物質與環(huán)境重點實驗室“千人計劃”教授沈延安博士的研究論文。該文對地球歷史上最大一次生命滅絕事件的原因提出了新的地球化學證據,。
Nature Communications doi:10.1038/ncomms1217
Multiple S-isotopic evidence for episodic shoaling of anoxic water during Late Permian mass extinction
Yanan Shen,1 James Farquhar,2 Hua Zhang,3 Andrew Masterson,2 Tonggang Zhang1 & Boswell A. Wing4
Global fossil data show that profound biodiversity loss preceded the final catastrophe that killed nearly 90% marine species on a global scale at the end of the Permian. Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain this extinction and yet still remain greatly debated. Here, we report analyses of all four sulphur isotopes (32S, 33S, 34S and 36S) for pyrites in sedimentary rocks from the Meishan section in South China. We observe a sulphur isotope signal (negative δ34S with negative Δ33S) that may have resulted from limitation of sulphate supply, which may be linked to a near shutdown of bioturbation during shoaling of anoxic water. These results indicate that episodic shoaling of anoxic water may have contributed to the profound biodiversity crisis before the final catastrophe. Our data suggest a prolonged deterioration of oceanic environments during the Late Permian mass extinction.