Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0382
Female choice for male motor skills
Barske, Julia; Schlinger, Barney A.; Wikelski, Martin; Fusani, Leonida
Sexual selection was proposed by Darwin to explain the evolution of male sexual traits such as ornaments and elaborate courtshipdisplays. Empirical and theoretical studies have traditionally focused on ornaments; the reasons for the evolution of elaborate,acrobatic courtship displays remain unclear. We addressed the hypothesis that females choose males on the basis of subtledifferences in display performance, indicating motor skills that facilitate survival. Male golden-collared manakins (Manacus vitellinus) perform elaborate, acrobatic courtship displays. We used high-speed cameras to record the displays of wild males and analysedthem in relation to male reproductive success. Females preferred males that performed specific display moves at greater speed,with differences of tens of milliseconds strongly impacting female preference. In additional males, we recorded telemetricallythe heart rate during courtship using miniature transmitters and found that courtship is associated with profoundly elevatedheart rates, revealing a large metabolic investment. Our study provides evidence that females choose their mates on the basisof subtle differences in motor performance during courtship. We propose that elaborate, acrobatic courtship dances evolvebecause they reflect motor skills and cardiovascular function of males.