Biology Letters DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0343
Great flights by great snipes: long and fast non-stop migration over benign habitats
Klaassen, Raymond H. G.; Alerstam, Thomas; Carlsson, Peter; Fox, James W.
Migratory land birds perform extreme endurance flights when crossing ecological barriers, such as deserts, oceans and ice-caps.When travelling over benign areas, birds are expected to migrate by shorter flight steps, since carrying the heavy fuel loadsneeded for long non-stop flights comes at considerable cost. Here, we show that great snipes Gallinago media made long and fast non-stop flights (4300–6800 km in 48–96 h), not only over deserts and seas but also over wide areas ofsuitable habitats, which represents a previously unknown migration strategy among land birds. Furthermore, the great snipesachieved very high ground speeds (15–27 m s?1), which was not an effect of strong tailwind support, and we know of no other animal that travels this rapidly over sucha long distance. Our results demonstrate that some migratory birds are prepared to accept extreme costs of strenuous exerciseand large fuel loads, even when stopover sites are available along the route and there is little tailwind assistance. A strategyof storing a lot of energy before departure, even if migration is over benign habitats, may be advantageous owing to differentialconditions of fuel deposition, predation or infection risk along the migration route.