最新研究發(fā)現(xiàn),,即使延遲至青春期給予生長激素(GH)治療,,仍可改善出生時小于胎齡的矮小兒童的成年身高。結果于8月17日在線發(fā)表于《臨床內分泌和代謝雜志》(Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism),。
Lem醫(yī)師和同事在本次隨機試驗中納入了121名這類兒童(年齡均≥8歲),,以比較標準生長激素劑量(1 mg/m2/天)和雙倍生長激素劑量(2 mg/m2/天),。40名青春期開始時身高不足140 cm的兒童也接受了一種促性腺激素釋放激素(GnRH)類似物治療。
62%的兒童達到-2 標準差評分(SDS)以上的成年身高,,70%達到目標身高范圍的成年身高。身高增長范圍從-0.7 至+3.3 標準差評分(SDS)。
Lem醫(yī)師認為,,在臨床實踐中,最好以標準劑量的生長激素(1 mg/m2/天)開始進行治療,,因為在此項研究中,,青少年顯示出用該劑量也可獲得顯著的身高增長。當兒童顯示出追趕生長不足,、青春期/骨齡快速進展或其他GnRH-a(人工合成的GnRH)治療抑制性激素時,,醫(yī)師應考慮增加生長激素的劑量。
Adult Height in Short Children Born SGA Treated with Growth Hormone and Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Analog: Results of a Randomized, Dose-Response GH Trial.
Lem AJ, van der Kaay DC, de Ridder MA, Bakker-van Waarde WM, van der Hulst FJ, Mulder JC, Noordam C, Odink RJ, Oostdijk W, Schroor EJ, Sulkers EJ, Westerlaken C, Hokken-Koelega AC.
Context:GH treatment is effective in improving height in short children born small for gestational age (SGA). GH is thought to have limited effect when started during adolescence.Objective:The aim of this study was to investigate GH treatment efficacy in short SGA children when treatment was started during adolescence; to assess whether GH 2 mg/m(2) · d during puberty improves adult height (AH) compared with 1 mg/m(2) · d; and to assess whether an additional 2-yr postponement of puberty by GnRH analog (GnRHa) improves AH in children who are short at the start of puberty (<140 cm), with a poor AH expectation.Patients and Design:In this longitudinal, randomized, dose-response GH trial, we included 121 short SGA children (60 boys) at least 8 yr of age. We performed intention-to-treat analyses on all children and uncensored case analyses on 84 children who reached AH. Besides, we evaluated growth during 2 yr of combined GH/GnRHa and subsequent GH treatment until AH in a subgroup of 40 pubertal children with a height of less than 140 cm at the start.Results:Short SGA children started treatment at a median age of 11.2 yr, when 46% had already started puberty. Median height increased from -2.9 at start to -1.7 sd score (SDS) at AH (P < 0.001). Treatment with GH 2 vs. 1 mg/m(2) · d during puberty resulted in significantly better AH (P = 0.001), also after correction for gender, age at start, height SDS at start, treatment years before puberty, and target height SDS. AH was similar in children who started puberty at less than 140 cm and received GH/GnRHa, compared with children who started puberty greater than 140 cm and received GH only (P = 0.795).Conclusion:When started in adolescence, GH treatment significantly improves AH in short SGA children, particularly with GH 2 mg/m(2) · d during puberty. When SGA children are short at the start of puberty, they can benefit from combined GH/GnRHa treatment.