研究結果論文Corticofugal influences on thalamic neurons during nociceptive transmission in awake rats. 已發(fā)表在《突觸》()上,。
Synapse 2007, 61: 335-342
Research Article
Corticofugal influences on thalamic neurons during nociceptive transmission in awake rats
Jin-Yan Wang 1, Jing-Yu Chang 2, Donald J. Woodward 3, Luiz A. Baccalá 4, Ji-Sheng Han 5, Fei Luo 1 *
1Key Laboratory of Mental Health, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
2Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Wake Forest University Health Science, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
3Neuroscience Research Institute of North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
4Telecommunications and Control Engineering, Escola Politecnica, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
5Neuroscience Research Institute, Peking University, Beijing, China
email: Fei Luo ([email protected])
*Correspondence to Fei Luo, Key Laboratory of Mental Health, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 10A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, People's Republic of China
Funded by:
National Natural Science Foundation of China; Grant Number: 30170307, 30370461, 30570577
Ministry of Education of China; Grant Number: 985-2-068-113
Ministry of Science and Technology of China; Grant Number: 2003CB515407
NIH; Grant Number: NS-43441, NS-40628, TW-06144, NS-19608
cortex ?cingulate ?thalamus ?nociception ?crosscorrelation ?information flow
Pain is a multidimensional phenomenon and processed in a neural network. The supraspinal, brain mechanisms are increasingly recognized in playing a major role in the representation and modulation of pain. The aim of the current study is to investigate the functional interactions between cortex and thalamus during nociceptive processing, by observing the pain-related information flow and neuronal correlations within thalamo-cortical pathways. Pain-evoked, single-neuron activity was recorded in awake Sprague-Dawley rats with a Magnet system. Eight-wire microarrays were implanted into four different brain regions, i.e., the primary somatosensory (SI) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), as well as ventral posterior (VP) and medial dorsal thalamus (MD). Noxious radiant heat was delivered to the rat hind paws on the side contralateral to the recording regions. A large number of responsive neurons were recorded in the four brain areas. Directed coherence analysis revealed that the amount of information flow was significantly increased from SI cortex to VP thalamus following noxious stimuli, suggesting that SI cortex has descending influence on thalamic neurons during pain processing. Moreover, more correlated neuronal activities indicated by crosscorrelation histograms were found between cortical and thalamic neurons, with cortical neurons firing ahead of thalamic units. On basis of the above findings, we propose that nociceptive responses are modulated by corticothalamic feedback during nociceptive transmission, which may be tight in the lateral pathway, while loose in the medial pathway. Synapse 61:335-342, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.