2009年3月30日,,美國維斯康星大學麥迪遜分校的一個研究小組,,在美國《國家科學院院刊》發(fā)表的一項研究顯示,貓體內的髓磷脂(myelin)具有自行恢復的功能,。髓磷脂是神經元外側的脂質,,起到保護和絕緣的作用。如果人類中樞神經系統(tǒng)出現(xiàn)故障,,這一絕緣脂質就會降解,,喪失功效,其中最常見的情況就是多發(fā)性硬化癥(multiple sclerosis),。
“這項研究最根本的一點是,,它清楚地證明了在嚴重的神經系統(tǒng)疾病中,大規(guī)模的髓鞘再生可以恢復機體功能,。”美國維斯康星大學麥迪遜分校的神經學家蘭·鄧肯(Ian Duncan)如是說,,他也是這個研究小組的組長。“同時,,研究也指出了中樞神經系統(tǒng)強大的自我修復能力,。”
“實驗中引起貓患有神經系統(tǒng)疾病的具體原因尚不知曉,。” 鄧肯這樣說。他最初并沒有參與這項飲食機制實驗,。
“我們認為,,(被輻射的食物)不大可能會影響人類的健康。” 鄧肯解釋說,,“我想這應該是這一物種特有的反應,。重要的一點是,我們必須注意到,這些貓是在食用被輻射的食物一段時期后才出現(xiàn)病癥的,。”(生物谷Bioon.com)
PNAS April 2, 2009, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0812500106
Extensive remyelination of the CNS leads to functional recovery
I. D. Duncana,1, A. Browerb, Y. Kondoa, J. F. Curlee, Jr.c and R. D. Schultzd
aDepartments of aMedical Sciences and
dPathobiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin, 2015 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706;
bWisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, 445 Easterday Lane, Madison, WI 53706; and
cHarlan Laboratories, P.O. Box 44220, Madison, WI 53744
Remyelination of the CNS in multiple sclerosis is thought to be important to restore conduction and protect axons against degeneration. Yet the role that remyelination plays in clinical recovery of function remains unproven. Here, we show that cats fed an irradiated diet during gestation developed a severe neurologic disease resulting from extensive myelin vacuolation and subsequent demyelination. Despite the severe myelin degeneration, axons remained essentially intact. There was a prompt endogenous response by cells of the oligodendrocyte lineage to the demyelination, with remyelination occurring simultaneously. Cats that were returned to a normal diet recovered slowly so that by 3–4 months they were neurologically normal. Histological examination of the CNS at this point showed extensive remyelination that was especially notable in the optic nerve where almost the entire nerve was remyelinated. Biochemical analysis of the diet and tissues from affected cats showed no dietary deficiencies or toxic accumulations. Thus, although the etiology of this remarkable disease remains unknown, it shows unequivocally that where axons are preserved remyelination is the default pathway in the CNS in nonimmune-mediated demyelinating disease. Most importantly, it confirms the clinical relevance of remyelination and its ability to restore function.