2012年11月25日 訊 /生物谷BIOON/ --當(dāng)機體進(jìn)入深睡眠狀態(tài)時,,大腦海馬體會向大腦皮層發(fā)送信息,,并且改變其可塑性,,這或許會轉(zhuǎn)移個體近期獲得性的長期記憶。那么大腦具體是如何完成此項工作的,,近日來自馬普研究所的研究人員開發(fā)出了一種多元的方法,,名為“神經(jīng)事件觸發(fā)的功能性磁共振成像”技術(shù)(NET-fMRI),使用此項技術(shù),,研究者就可以對麻醉,、蘇醒甚至是活動中的猴子進(jìn)行掃描檢測其大腦活性的情況,相關(guān)研究刊登于國際雜志Nature上,。
編譯自:Neural Interaction in Silence: Neurophysiologists Study Widespread Networks of Neurons Responsible for Memory
Hippocampal–cortical interaction during periods of subcortical silence
N. K. Logothetis, O. Eschenko, Y. Murayama, M. Augath, T. Steudel, H. C. Evrard, M. Besserve & A. Oeltermann
Hippocampal ripples, episodic high-frequency field-potential oscillations primarily occurring during sleep and calmness, have been described in mice, rats, rabbits, monkeys and humans, and so far they have been associated with retention of previously acquired awake experience. Although hippocampal ripples have been studied in detail using neurophysiological methods, the global effects of ripples on the entire brain remain elusive, primarily owing to a lack of methodologies permitting concurrent hippocampal recordings and whole-brain activity mapping. By combining electrophysiological recordings in hippocampus with ripple-triggered functional magnetic resonance imaging, here we show that most of the cerebral cortex is selectively activated during the ripples, whereas most diencephalic, midbrain and brainstem regions are strongly and consistently inhibited. Analysis of regional temporal response patterns indicates that thalamic activity suppression precedes the hippocampal population burst, which itself is temporally bounded by massive activations of association and primary cortical areas. These findings suggest that during off-line memory consolidation, synergistic thalamocortical activity may be orchestrating a privileged interaction state between hippocampus and cortex by silencing the output of subcortical centres involved in sensory processing or potentially mediating procedural learning. Such a mechanism would cause minimal interference, enabling consolidation of hippocampus-dependent memory.