數(shù)十年來,研究人員一直在設法尋找瘙癢特異性神經細胞,。近日來自約翰霍普金斯大學的研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個與瘙癢相關的傷害感受器細胞亞群,,從而為研究瘙癢及開發(fā)止癢治療開辟了新途徑,相關論文發(fā)表在12月23日的《自然神經科學》(Nature Neuroscience)雜志上,。
領導這一研究的是約翰霍普金斯醫(yī)學院的董欣中(Xinzhong Dong)博士,董博士早年畢業(yè)于武漢大學,后于美國加州大學洛杉磯分校獲得博士學位,,現(xiàn)在約翰霍普金斯大學醫(yī)學院神經科學系進行研究工作,,主要從事疼痛相關神經細胞的分子與遺傳機制研究。
A subpopulation of nociceptors specifically linked to itch
Liang Han,1 Chao Ma,2, 3 Qin Liu,1, 4 Hao-Jui Weng,1, 4 Yiyuan Cui,5 Zongxiang Tang,1, 4 Yushin Kim,1 Hong Nie,3, 6 Lintao Qu,3 Kush N Patel,1, 4 Zhe Li,1 Benjamin McNeil,1 Shaoqiu He,7 Yun Guan,7 Bo Xiao,5 Robert H LaMotte3 & Xinzhong Dong1, 4
Itch-specific neurons have been sought for decades. The existence of such neurons has been doubted recently as a result of the observation that itch-mediating neurons also respond to painful stimuli. We genetically labeled and manipulated MrgprA3+ neurons in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and found that they exclusively innervated the epidermis of the skin and responded to multiple pruritogens. Ablation of MrgprA3+ neurons led to substantial reductions in scratching evoked by multiple pruritogens and occurring spontaneously under chronic itch conditions, whereas pain sensitivity remained intact. Notably, mice in which TRPV1 was exclusively expressed in MrgprA3+ neurons exhibited itch, but not pain, behavior in response to capsaicin. Although MrgprA3+ neurons were sensitive to noxious heat, activation of TRPV1 in these neurons by noxious heat did not alter pain behavior. These data suggest that MrgprA3 defines a specific subpopulation of DRG neurons mediating itch. Our study opens new avenues for studying itch and developing anti-pruritic therapies.