5月15日,,國際著名雜志Cell Research在線發(fā)表了Yongchao Zhao 和Yi Sun的研究論文“CUL4B ubiquitin ligase in mouse development: A model for human X-linked mental retardation syndrome?”
CUL4B ubiquitin ligase in mouse development:A model for human X-linked mental retardation syndrome?
Yongchao Zhao1 and Yi Sun1
1Division of Radiation and Cancer Biology,, Department of Radiation Oncology,, University of Michigan, 4424B MS-1,, 1301 Catherine Street,, Ann Arbor, MI 48109,, USA
Correspondence:Yi Sun,,Tel: 734-615-1989,;Fax:734-763-1581
CUL4B, a member of the cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase family,, is frequently mutated in X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) patients. The study by Liu et al. showed that Cul4b plays an essential developmental role in the extra-embryonic tissues,, while it is dispensable in the embryo proper during mouse embryogenesis. Viable Cul4b-null mice provide the first animal model to study neuronal and behavioral deficiencies seen in human CUL4B XLMR patients.