據(jù)介紹,,線粒體是細胞能量代謝中心與能量工廠,,是細胞氧化磷酸化和ATP合成,、脂肪酸的氧化等能量代謝過程發(fā)生所在地,。線粒體也是細胞凋亡調(diào)控中心。它能感知凋亡信號,,并通過釋放細胞色素C等凋亡相關分子來啟動細胞凋亡過程,。同時,線粒體也是細胞自由基產(chǎn)生中心,。線粒體電子傳遞鏈消耗的氧約占細胞所需氧的85%,,其中0.4%~4.0% 的氧在線粒體中被轉換生成超氧自由基。
陳佺實驗室的該項研究得到國家自然科學基金委重點項目、科技部“973”項目和中國科學院創(chuàng)新工程的支持,。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Mitochondrial outer-membrane protein FUNDC1 mediates hypoxia-induced mitophagy in mammalian cells
Lei Liu, Du Feng,, Guo Chen,Ming Chen,Qiaoxia Zheng,Pingping Song, Qi Ma,, Chongzhuo Zhu,Rui Wang, Wanjun Qi, Lei Huang,, Peng Xue, Baowei Li,, Xiaohui Wang, Haijing Jin, Jun Wang, Fuquan Yang, Pingsheng Liu, Yushan Zhu, Senfang Sui & Quan Chen, ,
Accumulating evidence has shown that dysfunctional mitochondria can be selectively removed by mitophagy. Dysregulation of mitophagy is implicated in the development of neurodegenerative disease and metabolic disorders. How individual mitochondria are recognized for removal and how this process is regulated remain poorly understood. Here we report that FUNDC1, an integral mitochondrial outer-membrane protein, is a receptor for hypoxia-induced mitophagy. FUNDC1 interacted with LC3 through its typical LC3-binding motif Y(18)xxL(21), and mutation of the LC3-interaction region impaired its interaction with LC3 and the subsequent induction of mitophagy. Knockdown of endogenous FUNDC1 significantly prevented hypoxia-induced mitophagy, which could be reversed by the expression of wild-type FUNDC1, but not LC3-interaction-deficient FUNDC1 mutants. Mechanistic studies further revealed that hypoxia induced dephosphorylation of FUNDC1 and enhanced its interaction with LC3 for selective mitophagy. Our findings thus offer insights into mitochondrial quality control in mammalian cells.