據(jù)12月11日的《科學(xué)》雜志報道說,, 一項(xiàng)在跨越整個亞洲的近2000人中所做的大規(guī)模的遺傳變異研究表明,該大陸的人口主要是通過某單一的遷徙活動而形成的,。 據(jù)Jin Li和本文的共同作者披露,亞洲是面積最大且人口最多的大陸,。該大陸有著顯著的文化和語言上的多元性,。但是人們對該大陸的人類遺傳學(xué)變異的模式卻不甚了解。 這些被通稱為HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium的研究人員分析了代表了73個亞洲和2個非亞洲人群中的個體遺傳變異,。
分析的結(jié)果顯示,,在所有的亞洲人群中存在著相當(dāng)可觀的相互關(guān)聯(lián)性,其中包括那些先前根據(jù)語言學(xué),、文化和人種學(xué)的證據(jù)認(rèn)為沒有通婚關(guān)系的人群,。 研究人員還發(fā)現(xiàn),就遺傳學(xué)的相互關(guān)聯(lián)性來說,,那些來自相同語言組的人群容易簇集在一起(盡管有數(shù)個例外),,而非按照地理上的比鄰關(guān)系而簇集在一起;從而提示,,人群的混合或是相當(dāng)近期的事件,,或是他們采納了不同的語言。 人們曾經(jīng)就亞洲移民活動是通過兩起殖民浪潮(一次是向東南亞的移民以及后來的向中亞和東北亞的一次移民),,或是僅僅只有單獨(dú)一次的人群遷徙存在著爭論,。 這些新的結(jié)果與第二種情景相一致,它們意味著亞洲的主要基因庫來自現(xiàn)代人類的某一單個的起初的進(jìn)入,,可能接著而來的是一個遍及整個大陸的從南至北的遷徙,。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Science 11 December 2009:DOI: 10.1126/science.1177074
Mapping Human Genetic Diversity in Asia
The HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium*,
Asia harbors substantial cultural and linguistic diversity, but the geographic structure of genetic variation across the continent remains enigmatic. Here we report a large-scale survey of autosomal variation from a broad geographic sample of Asian human populations. Our results show that genetic ancestry is strongly correlated with linguistic affiliations as well as geography. Most populations show relatedness within ethnic/linguistic groups, despite prevalent gene flow among populations. More than 90% of East Asian (EA) haplotypes could be found in either Southeast Asian (SEA) or Central-South Asian (CSA) populations and show clinal structure with haplotype diversity decreasing from south to north. Furthermore, 50% of EA haplotypes were found in SEA only and 5% were found in CSA only, indicating that SEA was a major geographic source of EA populations.
* All authors with their affiliations appear at the end of this paper.