信鴿在嚴格意義上究竟是如何找到回家之路的一直是個未解之謎,。一些研究推測,鳥類能夠利用嗅覺,、太陽的方向,,或地球磁場來導(dǎo)航,科學(xué)家同時還知道,,信鴿能夠利用視覺地標,。為了搞清信鴿的大腦如何處理這些視覺信號,瑞士蘇黎世大學(xué)的Alexei Vyssotski和同事研制出了一種名為Neurologger2的裝置,,后者能夠在跟蹤鳥類路徑的同時記錄其飛越熟悉地點時的大腦活動,。
從事動物認知研究的美國達勒姆市新罕布什爾大學(xué)的Brett Gibson指出,,這項研究提供了鳥類在飛行期間大腦內(nèi)部的一個有趣景象,。Gibson說:“盡管如此,我還是想知道這些大腦活動是否僅僅與導(dǎo)航有關(guān),,還是更廣泛地涉及到事物的認知,以及到底是什么觸發(fā)了這些活動,。”而這正是Vyssotski的研究小組在接下來試圖解釋的問題,。
從事鸚鵡研究的美國哈佛大學(xué)的心理學(xué)家Irene Pepperberg也十分熱衷于這項新的技術(shù)。她說:“這是第一篇論文,,表明我們能夠利用一種實時系統(tǒng)來分析鳥類大腦的神經(jīng)生物學(xué)特征,。”Pepperberg表示:“鳥類大腦究竟是如何處理大量不同類型的感官信息的,這項技術(shù)真的能夠告訴我們很多。”
Current Biology, 25 June 2009 doi:10.1016/j.cub.2009.05.070
EEG Responses to Visual Landmarks in Flying Pigeons
Alexei L. Vyssotski1,7,,,Giacomo Dell'Omo1,Gaia Dell'Ariccia1,Andrei N. Abramchuk2,Andrei N. Serkov1,3,Alexander V. Latanov3,Alberto Loizzo4,David P. Wolfer1,5,6andHans-Peter Lipp1
1 Institute of Anatomy, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstr. 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland
2 Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Passage 4806, Bldg. 5, 124498 Zelenograd, Russia
3 Chair of Higher Nervous System Activity, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, Vorobievi Gori 1-12, 119992 Moscow, Russia
4 Department of Therapeutic Research and Medicines Evaluation, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, 299 Viale Regina Elena, 00161 Rome, Italy
5 Institute of Human Movement Sciences and Sport, ETH Zurich, Winterthurerstr. 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland
6 Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstr. 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland
7 Present address: Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich/ETH Zurich, Winterthurerstr. 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland
GPS analysis of flight trajectories of pigeons can reveal that topographic features influence their flight paths. Recording electrical brain activity that reflects attentional processing could indicate objects of interest that do not cause changes in the flight path. Therefore, we investigated whether crossing particular visual landmarks when homing from a familiar release site is associated with changes in EEG.Birds carried both data-loggers for recording GPS position and EEG during flight. First, we classified characteristic EEG frequencies of caged birds and found five main bands: A: 03, B: 312, C: 1260, D: 60130, and E: 130200 Hz. We analyzed changes in these activity bands when pigeons were released over sea (a featureless environment) and over land. Passing over the coastline and other prominent landmarks produced a pattern of EEG alterations consisting of two phases: activation of EEG in the high-frequency bands (D and/or E), followed by activation of C.Overlaying the EEG activity with GPS tracks allowed us to identify topographical features of interest for the pigeons that were not recognizable by distinct changes of their flight path.We provide evidence that EEG analysis can identify landmarks and objects of interest during homing. Middle-frequency activity (C) reflects visual perception of prominent landmarks, whereas activation of higher frequencies (D and E) is linked with information processing at a higher level. Activation of E bands is likely to reflect an initial process of orientation and is not necessarily linked with processing of visual information.