Fig. 1. Map of Leg 201 sites and concentration profiles of several dissolved chemical species at five of the sites (17). At sites 1225, 1226, and 1231, the deepest sample was taken just above the basaltic basement.
Fig. 2. Concentration profiles of cells and some dissolved chemicals at site 1229 (17). White bands mark sulfate-methane transition zones. Arrows mark midcolumn peaks in dissolved Mn concentrations.
Fig. 3. Dissolved concentration profiles of NO3– (red diamonds), Mn (light blue squares), and Fe (dark blue circles) at open-ocean sites 1225 (A), 1226 (B), and 1231 (C). Arrows mark midcolumn peaks in dissolved concentrations of Mn and Fe at site 1226. At each site, the deepest sample was taken just above the basaltic basement.
Cultured bacterial isolates from Leg 201 sediments. Species listed are type species from GenBank database.
Closest relative (16S rRNA sequence similarity) Numbers of isolates (lowest and highest depth of discovery)
Open Pacific sites
Peru margin sites
1231 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230
Rhizobium radiobacter (98%) 7 (1 to 198 mbsf) 2 (1 to 381 mbsf) 14 (12 to 102 mbsf) 5 (12 to 70 mbsf) 13 (1 to 124 mbsf)
Rhodobacter capsulatus (95%)* 1 (268 mbsf)
Rhodovulum sulfidophilum (96%) 1 (43 mbsf)
Bacillus firmus (97%) 14 (2 to 43 mbsf) 12 (1 to 420 mbsf) 8 (1 to 102 mbsf) 34 (1 to 187 mbsf)
Bacillus simplex (96%)* 1 (1 mbsf) 1 (70 mbsf)
Alkaliphilus transvaalensis (96%)* 4 (1 mbsf)
Paenibacillus glucanolyticus (98%) 1 (198 mbsf)
Vibrio mediterranei (99%) 1 (101 mbsf) 6 (1 to 114 mbsf) 11 (1 to 187 mbsf)
Vibrio diazotrophicus (99%)* 1 (114 mbsf) 4 (1 to 82 mbsf)
Photobacterium fischeri (94%) 1 (1 mbsf)
Psychrobacter okhotskensis (98%) 3 (1 to 124 mbsf)
Marinobacter aquaeolei (95%) 1 (268 mbsf)
Marinobacter excellens (98%)* 2 (268 mbsf)
Micrococcus luteus (98%) 2 (1 to 307 mbsf) 1 (381 mbsf)
Kocuria palustris (99%) 4 (21 to 40 mbsf)
Oerskovia paurometabola (92%) 3 (2 to 101 mbsf) 5 (40 to 55 mbsf)
Desulfomicrobium norvegicum (99%)* 2 (103 mbsf)
Porphyromonas endodontalis (86%)
1 (198 mbsf)
* Species names identify the type species in the GenBank database that are the closest relatives of the cultured isolates. The genetic distance between each cultured taxon and its closest relative is illustrated by the percent similarity of their 16S rRNA sequences.