最新一期《細胞生物學雜志》(Journal of Cell biology)報道了中國科學院上海生命科學研究院生物化學與細胞生物學研究所李林,、李逸平研究組合作完成的最新科研進展:Wnt信號途徑中的關鍵分子Dishevelled蛋白,通過c-Jun蛋白的介導作用,結(jié)合到下游靶基因的啟動子上并調(diào)控了啟動子上的轉(zhuǎn)錄復合物的形成,。這一成果揭示了Dishevelled蛋白在細胞核中調(diào)控Wnt信號的作用機制,,并闡明了c-Jun蛋白在Wnt信號途徑中的新功能。
(Journal of Cell biology),,,Xiao-qing Gan, Yi-ping Li, and Lin Li
Nuclear Dvl, c-Jun, β-catenin, and TCF form a complex leading to stabiLization of β-catenin–TCF interaction
Xiao-qing Gan1, Ji-yong Wang1, Ying Xi1, Zhi-li Wu2, Yi-ping Li2, and Lin Li1
1 State Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology and 2 Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China
Correspondence to L. Li: [email protected]
In canonical Wnt signaling, Dishevelled (Dvl) is a critical cytoplasmic regulator that releases β-catenin from degradation. Here, we find that Dvl and c-Jun form a complex with β-catenin–T-cell factor 4 (TCF-4) on the promoter of Wnt target genes and regulate gene transcription. The complex forms via two interactions of nuclear Dvl with c-Jun and β-catenin, respectively, both of which bind to TCF. Disrupting the interaction of Dvl with either c-Jun or β-catenin suppresses canonical Wnt signaling–stimulated transcription, and the reduction of Dvl diminished β-catenin–TCF-4 association on Wnt target gene promoters in vivo. Expression of a TCF-Dvl fusion protein largely rescued the c-Jun knockdown Wnt signaling deficiency in mammalian cells and zebrafish. Thus, we confirm that c-Jun functions in canonical Wnt signaling and show that c-Jun functions as a scaffold in the β-catenin–TCFs transcription complex bridging Dvl to TCF. Our results reveal a mechanism by which nuclear Dvl cooperates with c-Jun to regulate gene transcription stimulated by the canonical Wnt signaling pathway.