The makings of future news headlines about tomorrow's life saving therapies starts in the biomedical research laboratory. Ideas abound; early sucesses and later failures and knowledge gained from both; the rare lightning bolt of an unexpected breakthrough discovery — this is a glimpse of the behind the scenes action of some of the world's most acclaimed stem cell scientists' quest to solve some of the human body's most challenging mysteries.
Stem cells — what lies ahead? The following chapters explore some of the cutting edge research featuring stem cells. Disease and disorders with no therapies or at best, partially effective ones, are the lure of the pursuit of stem cell research. Described here are examples of significant progress that is a prologue to an era of medical discovery of cell-based therapies that will one day restore function to those whose lives are now challenged every day — but perhaps in the future, no longer.
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Executive Summary
Chapter 1: The Stem Cell
Chapter 2: The Embryonic Stem Cell
Chapter 3: The Human Embryonic Stem Cell and The Human Embryonic Germ Cell
Chapter 4: The Adult Stem Cell
Chapter 5: Hematopoietic Stem Cells
Chapter 6: Autoimmune Diseases and the Promise of Stem Cell-Based Therapies
Chapter 7: Stem Cells and Diabetes
Chapter 8: Rebuilding the Nervous System with Stem Cells
Chapter 9: Can Stem Cells Repair a Damaged Heart?
Chapter 10: Assessing Human Stem Cell Safety
Chapter 11: Use of Genetically Modified Stem Cells in Experimental Gene Therapies
Appendix A: Early Development
Appendix B: Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Appendix C: Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Embryonic Germ Cells
Appendix D: Stem Cell Tables
i. Published Reports on Isolation and Differentiation of Mouse Stem Cells
ii. Published Reports on Isolation and Differentiation of Human Fetal Tissue Germ Cells
iii. Published Reports on Isolation and Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
iv. Published Reports on Isolation and Differentiation of Human Embryonic Carcinoma Stem Cells
v. Published Reports on Isolation and Differentiation of Human Adult Stem Cells
vi. References
Appendix E: Stem Cell Markers
i. Markers: How Do Researchers Use Them to Identify Stem Cells?
ii. Commonly Used Markers to Identify Stem Cells and Characterize Differentiated Cell Types
Appendix F: Glossary and Terms
i. Glossary
ii. Terms
Appendix G: Informational Resources
i. Persons Interviewed
ii. Special Contributions
iii. Acknowledgments
Reference citations of this report should use the following:
Stem Cells: Scientific Progress and Future Research Directions.
Department of Health and Human Services. June 2001.