一些蛋白裝配成極性復合物,然后定位在神經母細胞的末端幫助指導其進行不對稱分裂,。但是這種機制目前我們尚不清楚,,近日,來自日本理化研究所的生物學家通過對發(fā)育的果蠅胚胎中進行研究,,發(fā)現(xiàn)了指導這些蛋白定位在神經母細胞上的主要調控子。相關研究成果刊登在了近日的國際雜志Development Cell上,。
研究者Fumio Matsuzaki和他的研究團隊篩選了神經母細胞極性缺失的果蠅胚胎突變體,,揭示了一個重要的在內胚層發(fā)現(xiàn)的基因---Tre1,,該基因可以編碼跨膜的受體蛋白,研究者在果蠅中剔除掉了該基因,,結果顯示這種跨膜的受體蛋白對于垂直定向這種蛋白復合體的極性必不可少,。
Tre1 GPCR Signaling Orients Stem Cell Divisions in the Drosophila Central Nervous System
Shigeki Yoshiura, Nao Ohta, Fumio Matsuzaki
During development, directional cell division is a major mechanism for establishing the orientation of tissue growth. Drosophila neuroblasts undergo asymmetric divisions perpendicular to the overlying epithelium to produce descendant neurons on the opposite side, thereby orienting initial neural tissue growth. However, the mechanism remains elusive. We provide genetic evidence that extrinsic GPCR signaling determines the orientation of cortical polarity underlying asymmetric divisions of neuroblasts relative to the epithelium. The GPCR Tre1 activates the G protein oα subunit in neuroblasts by interacting with the epithelium to recruit Pins, which regulates spindle orientation. Because Pins associates with the Par-complex via Inscuteable, Tre1 consequently recruits the polarity complex to orthogonally orient the polarity axis to the epithelium. Given the universal role of the Par complex in cellular polarization, we propose that the GPCR-Pins system is a comprehensive mechanism controlling tissue polarity by orienting polarized stem cells and their divisions.