Sachie Hiratsuka 和同事對患腫瘤的小鼠進(jìn)行了研究,發(fā)現(xiàn)在由原發(fā)腫瘤分泌的一系列因子的作用下,,名為趨化因子的蛋白質(zhì)被引入肺部,。趨化因子誘導(dǎo)炎癥細(xì)胞和腫瘤細(xì)胞遷移到肺部。原發(fā)腫瘤和遷移前組織間的圓圈擴(kuò)大,,促進(jìn)了遷移腫瘤的侵入,。中斷原發(fā)腫瘤和肺部細(xì)胞間的圓環(huán)信號可有效地阻止小鼠肺部腫瘤的轉(zhuǎn)移。
Figure 1. Upregulation of the expression of S100A8 and S100A9 in premetastatic lungs responding to distant primary tumours.
(a) The experimental metastatic model. The premetastatic phase is considered the period of tumour growth at the primary site and the metastatic phase is the period after the intravenous injection of tumour cells into a tumour-bearing mouse. (b) Western blot analysis of S100A8 and S100A9 in premetastatic lungs derived from normal or tumour (+LLC or +B16)-bearing mice 10 or 14 days after the injection of tumour cells into the back. The intensity of the band (quantified using NIH Image software) was normalized to actin and the values are shown beneath each panel. (c) RT–PCR analysis of S100A8 and S100A9 in lung endothelial cells (EC) and Mac 1+-myeloid cells (M) sorted using anti-VEGFR2 and anti-Mac 1 antibodies, respectively, and in the rest of the cells (through). The intensity of the band was normalized to -actin and is shown beneath each panel. (d) The number of Mac 1+-myeloid cells in premetastatic lungs derived from normal, LLC-bearing and B16-bearing mice. Cells were counted in ten tissue sections per lung. The asterisk indicates P <0.05 and the error bars represent s.d. (e) Immunohistochemistry of lung tissues from normal or LLC-bearing mice using anti-S100A8 (A8), anti-VE–cadherin (VE) or anti-Mac1 antibodies. VE–cadherin (FITC), Mac 1 (rhodamine) and S100A8 (FITC or rhodamine) signals were detected by a fluorescence microscopy. Normal rat IgG and rabbit IgG were used for the control. The scale bars represent 50 m.
Nature Cell Biology December 2006, Volume 8 No 12
Tumour-mediated upregulation of chemoattractants and recruitment of myeloid cells predetermines lung metastasis pp1369 - 1375
Sachie Hiratsuka, Akira Watanabe, Hiroyuki Aburatani & Yoshiro Maru
Published online: 26 November 2006 | doi:10.1038/ncb1507
Abstract | Full text | PDF (2,568K) | Supplementary Information
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