New Scientist
Hijacked fetal enzyme helps cancers grow
14 March 2008 Andy Coghlan Magazine issue 2647
NO WONDER tumour cells can grow and multiply so rapidly. It turns out that they reawaken an enzyme responsible for driving the explosive growth of fetuses.
Healthy cells use most of their glucose "fuel" to produce energy, rather than for building components of new cells, such as fats and DNA. But in cancer cells, the opposite happens. Now, Lewis Cantley of Harvard Medical School in Boston and his colleagues have identified the enzyme responsible for triggering this switch - a fetal form of pyruvate kinase, called PKM2.
"It's a bit like building materials being brought to a house," says Cantley. "Usually, cells burn all the material to make energy, but if you burn it all you can't use it to make a new house." In cancer cells, PKM2 blocks the burning of the building materials so that new tumour cells can be made instead.
As well as explaining how cancer ...