FIGURE 1. Movement of mRNA on the ribosome
a, b, tRNA–mRNA interaction in the 70S initiation (a) and post-initiation (b) complexes. (E-tRNA was co-purified with the ribosome.) c, Electron-density difference map between the SD(U)9UUU(U)4 post-initiation and the SD(A)4AUG(A)9 initiation complexes. Positive differences are in grey; negative differences are in red. d, Movement of mRNA from initiation (yellow) to post-initiation (grey) gives rise to a simultaneous positional rearrangement and clockwise rotation of the SD duplex. e, f, Detailed view of the ribosomal environment of the SD duplex in the initiation (e) and post-initiation (f) complexes.
Nature Volume 444 Number 7117
Structural basis for messenger RNA movement on the ribosome
Gulnara Yusupova, Lasse Jenner, Bernard Rees, Dino Moras and Marat Yusupov
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See also: Editor's summary
YUSUPOVA Gulnara - Ingénieur de recherche
Office: ESBS
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About the Lab:
The Structural Biology and Genomics Laboratory (SBGL) is located near Strasbourg, in the north/east part of France (Alsace) close to the German border. The Lab. has been directed by Dr Dino Moras since its creation. The laboratory was created in 1980 and was originally named the "Laboratoire de Biologie Structurale" (Structural Biology Laboratory). It was then the fifth department of the IBMC (Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire), in downtown Strasbourg. The laboratory was aimed at the understanding of the molecular mechanism responsible for the fidelity of the aminoacylation reaction of transfer-RNA. More recently (1990), in a collaboration with the laboratory of Prof P. Chambon, the laboratory initiated a new project in the nuclear receptor (NR) field. At the end of 1994, we moved to the IGBMC (Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire). The laboratory's current focus is the study of the structure/function relationship of macromolecules, employing biophysical means to solve the 3D structure (Xray cristallography, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and, in collaboration, Electron Microscopy). The scientific activities of the laboratory can be divided in four major themes :
Translation, with special emphasis on aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and transfer RNA
DNA structure and Transcription. A major project of the laboratory is currently the structural investigation of nuclear receptors an their functional implications in activation and regulation of transcription. A new project has been started recently and concerns the structural investigation of the general transcription factor TFIIH
Proteins of therapeutical importance. Recently the structure of a membrane receptor has been elucidated FhuA (ferric hydroxamate uptake protein A), as well as a matrix metallo-protease
Genomics and bioinformatics plays a transversal role in the scientific activity of the laboratory and the laboratory has numerous ongoing projects in this field