美國國家科學院院刊(Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA,,PNAS)1月10日在線發(fā)表了中國科學院生物物理研究所朱平研究組程凌鵬副研究員等人的研究論文——《Atomic model of a cypovirus built from cryo-EM structure provides insight into the mechanism of mRNA capping》,。該研究由中國科學院生物物理研究所生物大分子國家重點實驗室朱平研究組和孫飛研究組,、華南農(nóng)業(yè)大學孫京臣副教授和中山大學張景強教授等合作完成,。生物物理研究所朱平研究組程凌鵬副研究員完成了冷凍電鏡成像和結構解析等工作,,黃曉星助理研究員協(xié)助完成了病毒純化工作,,孫飛研究組研究生張凱協(xié)助完成了原子模型構建工作,,生物成像中心電子顯微鏡平臺高級工程師季剛博士提供了電鏡成像技術支持,。
中國科學院生物物理研究所在中國科學院蛋白質科學研究平臺二期建設當中重點發(fā)展了生物大分子冷凍電鏡三維重構研究平臺,,已經(jīng)建成了具有世界先進水平的生物成像技術實驗室,擁有目前最先進的300千伏Titan Krios場發(fā)射冷凍透射電子顯微鏡,。該研究利用生物成像技術實驗室2010年4月調(diào)試成功的冷凍電鏡平臺,,用單顆粒圖像處理技術獲得了呼腸孤病毒科的質型多角體病毒近原子分辨率的三維結構(3.9埃),并獨立構建了全原子模型,。這是我國首次利用冷凍電鏡技術解析的生物大分子原子結構模型,,也是世界上首次利用冷凍電鏡的CCD圖像獲得的生物大分子復合體的全原子模型。該研究確認了呼腸孤病毒mRNA的流出通道,,定位了呼腸孤病毒科質型多角體病毒的兩個甲基轉移酶(7-N-methyltransferase 和 2’-O-methyltransferase)并揭示了該流出通道是如何引導mRNA依次經(jīng)過這兩個甲基轉移酶以完成“加帽”(Capping)過程的,。該發(fā)現(xiàn)對研究dsRNA病毒的mRNA加帽(Capping)機制有重要意義。
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science doi: 10.1073/pnas.1014995108
Atomic model of a cypovirus built from cryo-EM structure provides insight into the mechanism of mRNA capping
Lingpeng Chenga,1, Jingchen Sunb,1, Kai Zhanga, Zongjun Moub, Xiaoxing Huanga, Gang Jia, Fei Suna, Jingqiang Zhangc,2, and Ping Zhua,2
The cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) from the family Reoviridae belongs to a subgroup of “turreted” reoviruses, in which the mRNA capping activity occurs in a pentameric turret. We report a full atomic model of CPV built from a 3D density map obtained using cryoelectron microscopy. The image data for the 3D reconstruction were acquired exclusively from a CCD camera. Our structure shows that the enzymatic domains of the pentameric turret of CPV are topologically conserved and that there are five unique channels connecting the guanylyltransferase and methyltransferase regions. This structural organization reveals how the channels guide nascent mRNA sequentially to guanylyltransferase, 7-N-methyltransferase, and 2′-O-methyltransferase in the turret, undergoing the highly coordinated mRNA capping activity. Furthermore, by fitting the deduced amino acid sequence of the protein VP5 to 120 large protrusion proteins on the CPV capsid shell, we confirmed that this protrusion protein is encoded by CPV RNA segment 7.