為了讓這頓飯能待著不動,雞心螺—— 一種大型海洋軟體動物(如上圖)——進(jìn)化出滿嘴中空的魚叉形牙齒,,其中填滿了毒液,。當(dāng)這些毒液被噴到獵物身上后會使后者麻痹,并最終被雞心螺拖入口中,。
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0501
Developmental modularity and phenotypic novelty within a biphasic life cycle: morphogenesis of a cone snail venom gland
Page, Louise R.
The venom gland of predatory cone snails (Conus spp.), which secretes neurotoxic peptides that rapidly immobilize prey, is a proposed key innovation for facilitating theextraordinary feeding behaviour of these gastropod molluscs. Nevertheless, the unusual morphology of this gland has generatedcontroversy about its evolutionary origin and possible homologues in other gastropods. I cultured feeding larvae of Conus lividus and cut serial histological sections through the developing foregut during larval and metamorphic stages to examine the developmentof the venom gland. Results support the hypothesis of homology between the venom gland and the mid-oesophageal gland of othergastropods. They also suggest that the mid-region of the gastropod foregut, like the anterior region, is divisible into dorsaland ventral developmental modules that have different morphological, functional and ontogenetic fates. In larvae of C. lividus, the ventral module of the middle foregut transformed into the anatomically novel venom gland of the post-metamorphic stageby rapidly pinching-off from the main dorsal channel of the mid-oesophagus, an epithelial remodelling process that may besimilar to other cases where epithelial tubes and vesicles arise from a pre-existing epithelial sheet. The developmental remodellingmechanism could have facilitated an abrupt evolutionary transition to the derived morphology of this important gastropod feedinginnovation.