4月9日,,《神經(jīng)病學文獻》(Archives of Neurology)在線發(fā)表的一項研究報告稱,,在對112例患者和60例對照者進行分析之后發(fā)現(xiàn),,眼球震顫或眼球固定不穩(wěn)是帕金森病患者普遍存在的一種特異性很高的特征。因此,,采用精準的眼球追蹤技術來評價眼球運動參數(shù)將有助于帕金森病的早期診斷,。
美國Hunter Holmes McGuire退伍軍人醫(yī)療中心的George T. Gitchel博士及其同事指出,雖然之前的研究已經(jīng)證實帕金森病患者大腦內(nèi)的神經(jīng)退行性改變會影響眼球運動控制系統(tǒng),,但對于患者特異性缺陷的認識仍然存在爭議,。“有研究者提出患者的主要特征是眼球掃視的速度減慢且持續(xù)時間延長,而其他人則認為患者方波急跳(遠離目標的快速,、來回,、隨機運動,會影響眼球固定的穩(wěn)定性)的頻率會增加,。”雖然之前已有人對帕金森病患者的眼球固定情況進行了主觀描述,,但尚未對此進行系統(tǒng)的定量分析。
帕金森病患者眼球振動的平均基本頻率為5.7 Hz,;固定不穩(wěn)的平均水平振幅為0.27度,垂直振幅為0.33度,。在71例受試者中,,眼球振動的最大振幅有時會達到0.5度,這被視為導致中央凹視力模糊的閾值水平,。研究者還發(fā)現(xiàn)帕金森病組和對照組受試者的固定期平均均方根(RMS)速度(分別為每秒5.72度和3.07度)以及絕對平均速度(分別為每秒3.11度和1.80度)也存在顯著差異,。此外,在一個患者亞組中進行的磁性頭部跟蹤檢查確認了患者頭部移動與眼球固定不穩(wěn)無關,。
Pervasive Ocular Tremor in Patients With Parkinson Disease
George T. Gitchel, MS; Paul A. Wetzel, PhD; Mark S. Baron, MD
Objective To further assess oculomotor control of patients with Parkinson disease (PD) during fixation and with movement.
Design Case-control study.
Setting A Parkinson disease research, education, and clinical center.
Patients One hundred twelve patients with PD, including 18 de novo untreated patients, and 60 age-matched controls.
Intervention Modern, precise eye tracking technology was used to assess oculomotor parameters. Oculomotor function was compared between groups during fixation and while tracking a randomly displaced target on a PC monitor.
Main Outcome Measures Fixation stability and saccadic parameters.
Results All patients with PD and 2 of 60 control subjects showed oscillatory fixation instability (ocular tremor), with an average fundamental frequency of 5.7 Hz and average magnitude of 0.27°. Saccadic parameters and occurrences of square wave jerks did not differ between subjects with PD and controls. The amplitude and frequency of fixation instability did not correlate with disease duration, clinical Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale scores, or dopa-equivalent dosing. No differences in oculomotor parameters were found between medicated and unmedicated patients with PD.
Conclusions All patients with PD exhibited persistent ocular tremor that prevented stability during fixation. The pervasiveness and specificity of this feature suggest that modern, precise oculomotor testing could provide a valuable early physiological biomarker for diagnosing PD.
Author Affiliations: Southeast Parkinson's Disease Research, Education, and Clinical Center, Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Mr Gitchel and Dr Baron), Department of Biomedical Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University (Mr Gitchel and Dr Wetzel), and Department of Neurology, Virginia Commonwealth University Health System (Dr Baron), Richmond.