2011年2月18日,,北京生命科學研究所朱冰實驗室在 EMBO reports雜志在線發(fā)表題為” Symmetrical modification within a nucleosome is not required globally for histone lysine methylation” 的文章。該文章首次報道了,,單個核小體內兩個相同組蛋白上的甲基化修飾狀態(tài)并不必須對稱存在,。
EMBO reports doi:10.1038/embor.2011.6
Symmetrical modification within a nucleosome is not required globally for histone lysine methylation
Xiuzhen Chen, Jun Xiong, Mo Xu, She Chen and Bing Zhu
Two copies of each core histone exist in every nucleosome; however, it is not known whether both histones within a nucleosome are required to be symmetrically methylated at the same lysine residues. We report that for most lysine methylation states, wild-type histones paired with mutant, unmethylatable histones in mononucleosomes have comparable methylation levels to bulk histones. Our results indicate that symmetrical histone methylation is not required on a global scale. However, wild-type H4 histones paired with unmethylatable H4K20R histones showed reduced levels of H4K20me2 and H4K20me3, suggesting that some fractions of these modifications might exist symmetrically, and enzymes mediating these modifications might, to some extent, favour nucleosome substrates with premethylated H4K20.