編譯自:The basic building blocks of life to be rethought after one discovered to be missing
Displacement of the canonical single-stranded DNA-binding protein in the Thermoproteales
Sonia Paytubia,1,2, Stephen A. McMahona,2, Shirley Grahama, Huanting Liua, Catherine H. Bottinga, Kira S. Makarovab, Eugene V. Kooninb, James H. Naismitha,3, and Malcolm F. Whitea,3
ssDNA-binding proteins (SSBs) based on the oligonucleotide-binding fold are considered ubiquitous in nature and play a central role in many DNA transactions including replication, recombination, and repair. We demonstrate that the Thermoproteales, a clade of hyperthermophilic Crenarchaea, lack a canonical SSB. Instead, they encode a distinct ssDNA-binding protein that we term “ThermoDBP,” exemplified by the protein Ttx1576 from Thermoproteus tenax. ThermoDBP binds specifically to ssDNA with low sequence specificity. The crystal structure of Ttx1576 reveals a unique fold and a mechanism for ssDNA binding, consisting of an extended cleft lined with hydrophobic phenylalanine residues and flanked by basic amino acids. Two ssDNA-binding domains are linked by a coiled-coil leucine zipper. ThermoDBP appears to have displaced the canonical SSB during the diversification of the Thermoproteales, a highly unusual example of the loss of a “ubiquitous” protein during evolution.